Who are some of the biggest scumbags in wrestling?


Feb 24, 2013
I feel you trust me. But it falls under the "this is the life you chose" theory. I want to defend him as a fan because of how much I love his work but I can't get around the idea that he chose this profession and was ultimately responsible for what he did that night.

Depends on if u meant "kayfabe" or real life thread wise tho.

Yeah I get what you mean but still....I mean he did what he did because his brains were fukked up, he wasn't sane...I don't think that Benoit knew the he would've ended up being so mentally unstable that he would spazz and kill his family. That isn't really common, even in the wrestling world.

When I think scumbag, I think about guys that are selfish, conniving backstabbers that will do anything for their own gain, or are just straight up a$$holes.

As for the last part there, kayfabe or real life, it doesn't matter.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
I feel you trust me. But it falls under the "this is the life you chose" theory. I want to defend him as a fan because of how much I love his work but I can't get around the idea that he chose this profession and was ultimately responsible for what he did that night.

Depends on if u meant "kayfabe" or real life thread wise tho.

Yeah I get what you mean but still....I mean he did what he did because his brains were fukked up, he wasn't sane...I don't think that Benoit knew the he would've ended up being so mentally unstable that he would spazz and kill his family. That isn't really common, even in the wrestling world.

When I think scumbag, I think about guys that are selfish, conniving backstabbers that will do anything for their own gain, or are just straight up a$$holes.

As for the last part there, kayfabe or real life, it doesn't matter.

This is always the complicated thing about the Benoit murders...just what or who's really to blame for what happened there?

I know that this is a "who, individually, is the biggest scumbag in wrestling" question, but what happened with Benoit and his family, and the way that if affected wrestling is of such magnitude that it really seems a bit short-sighted to simply confine it to the bounds of a "Chris Benoit was/was not a reprehensible a$$hole" narrative.

Benoit murdered his family. Whether it was in a fit of insanity or not, it was a very deliberate and calculated set of murders, as well as a deliberate and calculated suicide. This much, we know. But do we just call him a reprehensible murderer who chose his own path, or do we look at what the path needlessly did to him?

Yes, Benoit took a crazy amount of unnecessary risks, even for a wrestler (this is part of the reason why it's imperative to watch Benoit matches: as much for what not to do as for what to do in a ring). And he must take responsibility for what happened to his body to some extent, as he did not have to take all of the idiotic risks that he took in order cement his place in wrestling history (unprotected chair shots, cringe-inducing diving headbutts, etc.).

And yet, how much of what happened to him happens without WWE's relentless schedule, without the stigma placed on wrestlers (until after the Benoit murders, to an extent) to be as aesthetically huge as possible, without the "keep pushing through any and everything" mentality that pro wrestling breeds? I would almost say that Benoit's case is so exceptional, as both the wrestler and his environment are implicated in his horrendous crime, that he should be rendered exempt from the simple judgments that mark someone like an Ian Rotten (true scum of the Earth, and I do not use that term lightly). If for no other reason than the fact that, for a very brief second, wrestling had to examine what it was in light of the Benoit murders, as well as for the fact that we are still seeing wrestling affected by the Benoit murders to this day (the true extent of those effects notwithstanding), Benoit should be beyond something so simplistic as a "scumbag" label.

It just seems reductive to pin the whole thing to a single concept, a single word, because in reality what happened to Benoit involves a whole lot more than just what Benoit did that weekend.

(And, honestly, this is the reason why I'm so against WWE erasing him from history in the way that they have: because in denying his existence, they're also denying that WWE and the way in which the wrestling business runs can bear any responsibility for what happened to him and his family. It's ridiculously disingenuous, in my opinion, refuted by the small changes they've made to their workings since his death.)

Ill Lou Malnati

Be Well.
Apr 30, 2012
the McMahons (except Shane)
the Kliq
Ian Rotten
New Jack
Hardcore Holly
Michael Hayes
Ole Anderson
Bill Watts



Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
Would never argue with anyone who believes Benoit is the biggest scumbag in wrestling history. Obviously no one has done anything worse than what he's done, and nobody ever will.

But ...

I will never claim to know enough about how the human brain works, and how it can snap in an instant, to say he's responsible for what he did. He lost his fukking mind before he did what he did. Does that make him a bad person? I tend to doubt he planned any of his murders. Up until that moment, he was one of the most widely respected dudes in the history of the business. I'm not gonna argue about it because murder is murder, but my impression of Benoit is that he was a good dude who did bad things only after he'd lost his mind.


Apr 30, 2012
The kliq arent truly scumbags...outside of what hbk did to candido..they were just guys who looked out for eachother whem nobody else would. They werent 2nd generation dudes...they had to look out for eachother.

If it wasnt them it could have easily been one of the other cliques trying to improve their position in the company

They just used cutthroat tactics in a cutthroat business :yeshrug:

but nothing remotely comparable to what Axel Rotten or apparently Fabulous Moolah have done

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Double J

He aint have to do little homie like that :sadcam:

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
just read an article about Fabolus Moolah

yea, she goes on this list too smh

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013

After June Byers & Billy Wolfe "retired" the NWA Women's belt, Moolah created her own and she took control (with her alleged husband, Buddy Lee) of booking most of the top women from the early 60's on. Her particular World title, even tho "won" in a battle royal (not a tournament as reported elsewhere) was never recognized as "the NWA Women's World title." It was basically mostly her creation until WWF bought it in 1984.
I've read reports and heard from Moolah herself in a shoot interview that she didn't get along with Penny Banner. I also came across this post from Kayfabe Memories forum a couple of years back (quoted and taken from RSPW) an article/commentary examining the ugly side of Moolah's career in the wrestling profession and how it shaped women's wrestling in America up to the 1990s. Don't be too sure that what's written below is accurate, Moolah dismissed treating her girls like whores and that she never took in a girl who was in it for a good time, however this is still an interesting read.

"It's wrong to speak bad of the dead, but the comments in the mainstream press and even AP wires come dangerously close to making Moolah seem like some kind of saint, and from a pro-wrestling point of view as some kind of legendary tough shooter. That's utter bull♥♥♥♥. I want to clear up a couple of points, while taking nothing away from Moolah's ability to have a strangehold on women's wrestling from mid '60s to mid '80s in North America.

Lets get this out of way first, so I don't have to dance around the subject - Moolah was a pimp. From her sprawling 42 acre estate in Colombia, South Carolia, Moolah would send out her half-trained underage female-wrestlers to "photo shoots" that would by the standards of today be considered pedophilia and pornography. She sent trainees to wrestling promoters in set numbers. Renting them out to promoters in bulk, with the understanding that the girls would have sex with the promoter and all the wrestlers on the roster who wanted them. Promoters liked free sex, but what they also liked is for boys not to go outside looking for it and possibly running into trouble. Sex on a road with a steady and pliant group of semi-attractive women in return for money, that is what Moolah offered. The women that were sent out on this tours were not told of this "arrangement" ahead of time. They found out about it on the road. Those that refused to have sex with promoters and wrestlers, were raped. (see: Luna Vachon's, Sherri Martel's, and Susie McCoy's shoot interviews).

The reason women's pro-wrestling in North America was and still in large part today considered a joke and just an opportunity to oggle at t*ts and asses is largely in part thanks to the way Moolah trained her girls and how Moolah wrestled. Moolah was not a good worker. Her wrestling style considered of hair pulling snapmare, headlocks, clotheslines and nothing else. Those that argue that women's wrestling was always like that and Moolah did nothing to change it are ignorant. In the '30s and '40s, female wrestling employed shooters and they wrestled in the traditional sense of the term. t*ts and asses were used to advertise and get them in the building, but the girls worked longer and more technically sound matches than today. The champion was always a shooter, and the matches for the championship and leading up to the main event had to be high caliber. The reason Japanese women's wrestling was light years ahead of North American's is because of one person and one person only - Moolah. Mildred Burke, the original women's champion, popularized female wrestling in the world in the '30s. Japan, Canada, Mexico and America can trace women's wrestling directly to her. She used a hard hitting style and outside of being an attractive woman, her matches were no different from the men's matches of her day. Moolah was inspired by Burke, but could not work as well as her. Moolah was not a good worker and so the style she passed onto her trainees once she took over women's pro-wrestling in North America was Moolah-based. Moolah was never a shooter."



Dec 2, 2016
Vince McMahon
dikk Murdoch -Klansman
JBL, Hardcore Holly- Bulled wrestlers backstage and ran some out of the company.

Bill Demott
Abdullah The Butcher- Knowingly infecting an opponent with Hepatitis C
New Jack
X-Pac- shytting in Sable's purse
Bill Dundee, Ric Flair, Ole Anderson- Racist abuse of Teddy Long
Jerry The King Lawler
Teddy Hart
Jessyka Havoc
Randy Orton- Sexually harassing and chasing female talent away
Pat Patterson and The Cream Team
Carlos Colon
(professional wrestler) Art Barr
Ian Rotten
Mr. Fuji- Serving cooked dog as a prank

Most Evil Scumbags
Fritz Von Erich
British Bulldog
Dynamite Kid
The Fabulous Moolah
Hardbody Harrison
Chris Benoit
Jimmy Snuka
Rob Feinstein - Pedo
Grizzly Smith- Jake the Snake's father who impregnated his 12-year-old mother and molested his own daughter
Buck Zumhofe- Pedophile who imprisoned and raped his daughter
The Silent Woman aka Juana Barraza- Mexican female luchadore and serial killer murdered 11 women while wearing her gear.
Invader #1
Andre Hart- Spread HIV to dozens of women
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