Flop Champion
i KEEP tellin EA just rename their NBA Live to NBA Street since they can't nail the simulation aspect
Is this supposed to be an anime?
so just to get u on the record.......if next gen Madden got graphics like the trailer at E3 in a couple of weeks, will you give EA props?
Every new video game comes with a CGI trailer. You actually think trailers are recorded from people playing. The only question about the trailer is whether the actual game will looks the same graphically as the CGI trailer. Considering E3 is just a few weeks away and EA has already confirmed they'll have a playable version of Madden available, there is no reason to believe that the actual in-game graphics won't be too different from the graphics in the trailer.
REMEMBER, the 05 Madden trailer was a TARGET RENDER that was made almost a year before the console/game dropped. This is not a target render as far as we can tell. Plus there would be no reason to do a target render considering they're gonna have a playable version of the game available in a few weeks.
BTW the 05 Madden trailer was not that great.......Madden 06 didn't look anywhere close to the trailer BUT by Madden 13, the graphics became way better than what that target render showed......only reason ignorant nikkas like you obsesses about that trailer is because it showed action from angles that are not playable and it had movie type cinematography
On what planet did Madden 13 look better than this -
The target render is way ahead of what the PS3/360 can do, there's all sorts of post processing there that would grind the PS3 and 360 to a halt.
look at the players in motion rather than close-up screen shots from angles that are not viewable when playing
the madden 05 demo was garbage compared to Madden 13
player models looked way better in Madden 13, player motion looked way better as well
only thing the 05 demo had that was beyond Madden 13 was the grass and snow.....both elements that are not as important as the player models and motions IMO
once again.....only reason you think the 05 demo looks great is because its styled like a movie trailer when the reality is that you never play video games at the angles you see in the demo
these all look much better than anything from the 05 Madden 13 in motion looks better than the 05 demo which made the player movement look wack
only reason you can't see this is because when your playing Madden 13 you ain't watching the graphics from those movie angles
Breh the ball isnt even fukking ROUND and look at my man in the background and his lego hair...this is some AWFUL shyt, even for a screencap of a prerendered game....completely embarassing
Is this supposed to be an anime?
look at the players in motion rather than close-up screen shots from angles that are not viewable when playing
the madden 05 demo was garbage compared to Madden 13
player models looked way better in Madden 13, player motion looked way better as well
only thing the 05 demo had that was beyond Madden 13 was the grass and snow.....both elements that are not as important as the player models and motions IMO
once again.....only reason you think the 05 demo looks great is because its styled like a movie trailer when the reality is that you never play video games at the angles you see in the demo
these all look much better than anything from the 05 Madden 13 in motion looks better than the 05 demo which made the player movement look wack
only reason you can't see this is because when your playing Madden 13 you ain't watching the graphics from those movie angles
Good eye for detail, I just noticed that. That shyt is flat at the bottom.
Your first picture is in 1920x1080, a resolution the game isn't even rendered in, the rest of your pictures are all daytime and show nowhere near the effects the Target render had present. Again, it did not look as good, the art and player models got better but self shadowing, bokeh DOF, particle effects etc are not even close. It has nothing to do with styling and everything to do with the fact the PS3/360 could not run the target render under any circumstance.
What EA showed yesterday was probably in game assets that have been pre-rendered, and even then it wasn't all that impressive. You believe everything these companies sell you, I bet you thought MotorStorm would look this good