I'm just now watching the season.
Watching while reading this thread is goat experience

I ran otta reps too

She was on Nurse Jackie. They made Morris Chestnut her love interest
But I thought she could act![]()
They can't, water supply is forever contaminated...
Every black man on this show with a semblance of a backbone is a damn pacifist. Morgan is pissing me off with this ish. I already know he's gonna die.
Yup, I read the comics and saw how poorly the black men with backbones got treated. Morgan is alright and what turned me completely off with the upcoming season is thatI first started watching this show last month(binge watch) I'm on season 6. How Abraham's really about to pull Sacha while he still goes with Rosita? Like seriously? He and Rick get to have multiple love interests? While tyrees's only boo gets killed off, Bob gets killed off, and Tdawg had none. They really do black men dirty on this show.
And I would say they didn't know how to write black people until you notice that many of the black women are strong and self reliant
Yup, I read the comics and saw how poorly the black men with backbones got treated. Morgan is alright and what turned me completely off with the upcoming season is thatEzekiel gets beheaded and his head put on a spike by the betas while Michonne bedwenches with Rick.
shyt is wack even if Morgan becomes the only black male that lives.
I didn't open the spoiler but I'm tempted to. But this post is gonna be a long read. But I gotta get this off my chest:
The black women on that show are written PERFECTLY. Theyre shown to be strong capable leaders. But what makes Michonne and Sashas characters great, is the fact that they're shown to have their own flaws, hangups, and weaknesses. But those flaws and weaknesses dont get in the way of their leadership and doesn't diminish their strength or the respect people have for them.
On the flipside, every weakness or flaw the black men on this show have, eitner gets them killed, or it makes them seem incompetent and weak in the eyes of the group they're in. The black men who live, always get sonned by the group.
Bob- With Bob, It was his alcoholism. Daryl sonned him because of it. He finally starts to put in work and is finally accepted by the group. He and sasha fall in love, then in a blink of an eye he's bit, gets kidnapped by those folks, and eventually dies due to his bite. Just when he shows a little bit of strength and is able to pull sasha, he's killed. And its starting to look like Abraham(who already has a S/O in Rosita) ends up pulling Sasha. I'm not on season 7 yet, so I'm just guessing that Abraham and Sasha get together.
Tyrese-We see him with his Becky for all of two secs before she's killed. This turns him into some giant nikka super hippie. Big for no reason. And eventually turns into a cowardice nanny. Even before then, he's shown as being scared to handle weapons and incompetent of learning how to shoot, on a show where EVERYONE eventually learns how to shoot. He ends up dying. That's it.
T-Dawg-Pointless character. They kept him there for 3 seasons to look scared, tired and frustrated and to get his butt kicked. No character development, no backstory, nothing.
Noah-Shown to be brave in very brief instances. But ultimately gets sonned by a stronger more confident Sasha, who tells him that he probably won't make it. He's accepted by the group as a sad little puppy type character. Well, they end up kicking the puppy. His death ends up being one of the most brutal on the show. They brought tyler james Williams on just so they can demonstrate how his goofy face would look while being torn apart by walkers. *CUE* "Everybody haaaaaates Chriiiiiiiiiis"
Father Gabriel-Shown to be weak. Shown that he turned his back on his congregation because of his cowardice. Ends up snitching on the group to DeAnna. Constantly got sonned by Rick and Co. from the time they found him in the woods to the time they made it to Alexandria. He's literally the weakest living character on the show.
Dr.Dre(I forgot his name on the show, he played dre in S.O.C)- Corey Hawkins character is the 2nd strongest black male character after Morgan it seems. He was with a group before he got to Alexandria, he's shown that he isn't scared to go out into battle(unlike Tyrese) and he's shown as a capable walker killer. To me, that's pretty much the benchmark for being a strong black male character on the show. You don't even have to be THE leader, just don't be a coward or a pacifist and you're cool with me.
Morgan-Finally, the grandaddy of them all. Probably has the potential to be THE most badass character on the show. Black or White, Male Or Female, he has the potential to be the shows ultimate "Alpha". After his son gets killed, he secures the whole downtown area of the small town he was holed up in. Makes a milliom Booby traps for the walkers and for human predators and he stalk piles HELLA weapons from travlers that he robbed. He basically survived all on his own and secured the premiter of downtown all on his own. Basically saved Rick, Michonne and Carl by giving them weapons and food. He damn near killed Rick and probably could've had Rick not gotten through to him. BUT hears the caveat. For all his strength, and his ability to sneak around and kill, this ability is flipped around by the show writers as a WEAKNESS of his, rather than a strength. In a post apocalyptic world in which you have to be a savage to survive, his savagery is shown to be uncontrolled and in need of taming.....
SERIOUSLY? Seriously!!! Then some White, zen, Buddhist master plays White Savior and captures him, and shows him how to be less of a brute, and turns him into a Hippy.
In a world in which Rick, Mashonne, Carol, Maggie, Sasha, etc etc are shown as people who's LEARNED savagery and willingness to kill is shown as something that is essential in this new world, Morgans ability to kill isn't shown as an asset, but rather as a hindrance. It hinders his relationship between he and the groupd (carol straight up says she should've killed him). He's shown as one who needed to be tamed, while everyone elses ability to kill is shown as an asset that makes them good leaders.
I know the counter arguments will be "nah, they showed Ricks savagery in a bad light" nope, when that ladies drunk doctor husband came to kill the architect, DeAnna gave rick the green light to kill him and to govern things Ricks way. Ultimately the episode showed us Ricks "hard ass" ways were ultimately the right way to do things. I've yet to see Morgan, Tyrese, or Father Gabriels passive ways come in the clutch. Especially in Tyrese's case, nobody learned anything from his death. Its not like after he died, eveyome was like
"Tyrese taught us that killing was bad, we will carry on his legacy by trying to be kinder and to not give in to innate violence"
Hell no, his death meant nothing, and his pacifistivty(is that word) meant nothing to the group in the grand scheme of things. And I have a feeling Morgans demise will be the sameway. And if Morgan doesn't die, I feel his way of thinking will get someone in or multiple people killed in Ricks group, and Morgan will end up getting sonned and/or exiled for it.
Some might say that the black male characters are the best written characters on the show because they have nuance and aren't seen as "unkillable badasses" ala Rick, Daryl, Mishonne, etc. But Rickx Daryle Mashonne, etc are all shown as 3 dimensional characters also. Their characters have solid backstories and are shown in vulnerable states and have great character development WHILE still being badasses. Not the same for the black male characters.