Who Afraid of The Big Bad Wolves? - The Walking Dead Season 6

Jan 26, 2015
how did grandma fit automatic weapon tucked up her sleeve coat and none of those goons notice it:aicmon:

so every sister on this show sleeping with a honkey while the brothers only have their pillow to hold on to at night:mjpls:

this show getting too wenchy,more ridiculous by the episode and not ass interesting now that zombies are no longer a real threat :russell: not sure how much more longer i can stay committed:camby:


May 1, 2012
how did grandma fit automatic weapon tucked up her sleeve coat and none of those goons notice it:aicmon:

so every sister on this show sleeping with a honkey while the brothers only have their pillow to hold on to at night:mjpls:

this show getting too wenchy,more ridiculous by the episode and not ass interesting now that zombies are no longer a real threat :russell: not sure how much more longer i can stay committed:camby:


This season has been lit since episode 1


Aug 9, 2014
there's absolutely NO way rick dies. dude pretty much IS the show. this aint game of thrones where you have so many great characters to follow. killing rick would make em lose so many viewers...they're not risking that no way.

i think the other characters have been developed alot the last few seasons giving the writers an opportunity to off Rick if they wanted, without losing fans. Rick is becoming more and more like neegan and the governor. Again, I'm going off the finale snippit and it clearly shows the top head of a brown haired man about to get hit with that bat. The show makers already said it would be a huge surprise (in fact the biggest in all shows ever is how they paraphrased it)....what's bigger than killing Rick? Second biggest would be Daryl and Maggie would be next ,as you imagine beating a woman with a bat especially a pregnant woman.

That would make no sense whatsoever . Glen as a leader in war time? No. It would be Michonne or Abraham .

how would you figure. Michonne has only recently adopted being part of a community and doing the best for all. Abraham...isn't very smart

Glen would be the next in charge, in he assumed the position several times already....are you a casual viewer of the shower?

on a different note, I don't think Morgan will die - I see what the writers are doing with both him and Carol. As they actually begin to switch philosophies. Morgan needed that "life is precious" mantra to get him sane again but i think he will start taking lives. I think Carol's switch into not wanting to kill is much more ominous for her.


The-Coli Music Critic
Sep 4, 2015
The Saviors have clearly been watching Alexandria, They are already in position, just waiting for the word...

That makes sense why Daryl went out looking for Dwight. He knew Dwight was coming back and he knows where they are.

Carol kind of selfish, but I guess she's trying to come to terms with the level of crazy that she's able to operate on. I think Carol changed her mind about leaving seeing how close the Saviors are. She is probably setting up shop, watching the Saviors while the Saviors are watching Alexandria. She is definitely lurking :demonic:

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
i think the other characters have been developed alot the last few seasons giving the writers an opportunity to off Rick if they wanted, without losing fans. Rick is becoming more and more like neegan and the governor. Again, I'm going off the finale snippit and it clearly shows the top head of a brown haired man about to get hit with that bat. The show makers already said it would be a huge surprise (in fact the biggest in all shows ever is how they paraphrased it)....what's bigger than killing Rick? Second biggest would be Daryl and Maggie would be next ,as you imagine beating a woman with a bat especially a pregnant woman.

how would you figure. Michonne has only recently adopted being part of a community and doing the best for all. Abraham...isn't very smart

Glen would be the next in charge, in he assumed the position several times already....are you a casual viewer of the shower?

on a different note, I don't think Morgan will die - I see what the writers are doing with both him and Carol. As they actually begin to switch philosophies. Morgan needed that "life is precious" mantra to get him sane again but i think he will start taking lives. I think Carol's switch into not wanting to kill is much more ominous for her.
the only way I could see them killing rick is if they had developed carl a lot more so he could take rick's place as the new face of the show. it could actually be dope to see carl transform into "psycho coral" after rick gets murdered, but he's just not a good enough actor to fill out that spot. none of these other people on the show are capable of holding down the lead role. and the glimpse of brown hair doesn't really mean anything. the show runners know exactly what they're doing with these previews...they always use em to sike people out.

Glenn also isn't built to be leader. he just got the heart to kill for the first time. he's not a leader, he's a role player. majority of the viewers watch this show to see "rick and co".....whenever they have episodes showcasing a group not running with rick, the shyt is:russell:......I mean, rick getting killed COULD happen, but it would be a big mistake. these other characters just aren't interesting enough. and from what we've seen the entire duration of the show, thes show runners just don't have the guts to kill off fan favorites like that. they always play it safe. this time I do think one fan favorite will get it, but it's definitely not gonna be the face of the show. these show runners just don't have it in em.