so it comes down to morgan, glenn, darryl, michonne, rosita, and carol to get the soul clap. glenn is the favorite just cause this whole season seems to have focused in on him and maggie. plus the way maggie was staring at the truck as he drove off....kinda seemed like a goodbye of sorts. michonne already promised she'd "square it" for darryl....usually when somebody makes a statement like that, they michonne gonna make it. they don't got the heart to kill darryl. rosita would be too anticlimactic....too much of a role player. 2nd favorite would be carol, then morgan. both of them are no longer made for this world. morgan would prolly smile at the crew and whisper all life is precious before he gets his head bashed in. although I could see them coming back around if they actually witness a member like glenn getting his brains splattered. all i'm saying is, after all the hype, somebody better get obliterated next episode.