nikka... What american hostages does Iran have? Anybody who knows anything about Iran knows that they were being crippled by the sanctions. This is easily attainable information through google.
Finally, there is no evidence to suggest that Iran was ever even developing nuclear weapons. They had a legitimate nuclear power program and the fear was they could START to develop enriched uranium for said weapons. Even without the deal there is nothing to indicate Iran would have had weapons. If they wanted them more than a legitmate program, they would have gone to the Russians just like North Korea who actually has this capability. This is about Iran becoming an official partner of America and in return America opening up its oil exports to global markets.
Hes right
Your in a thread talking about Iran and sanctions and then don't even know about the 4 american hostages they have...which is mind boggling cause the second the deal was announced every major news station first questions was "what about the hostages":yeah ok:
Like I said...they were being so crippled by the sanctions it took almost 2 years to reach a new deal...:yeah ok:
I wonder why it reads "Historic Deal with Iran" or "America strikes deal with Iran" and not "Iran caves under sanctions" or "Iran finally gives up after 20 months" or "Not being able to use the 4th largest old field on the free market finally forces Iran to abandon it's nuclear programs":yeah ok:
Entire thread is silly, the system of white supremacy is as strong as it's ever been, the US being in debt to China is literally like Big Debo being in debt to Smokey and Craig, Smokey and Craig might own all the debt but they wouldn't dare come to Debo talking about when are you gonna make these payments, and if they somehow did get the balls to ask, the US just has to flex it's military, the most powerful and advanced military this planet has ever seen.
Lets act like China isn't making bootleg fighter jets based on information they have to steal from the more advanced Americans.
So you don't think China has a long term plan? You just randomly think China would let America be so far in debt to them when they know the money is being spent on the USA military industrial complex? When you admit if somehow China got the balls to ask for the debt to be paid off, the US just has to flex it's military on some "sorry we spent all the money on weapons to destroy you with when you ask for the money back". You really think cacs are such superior humans that they can create a system of oppression that still to this day Asians, Mexicans, South Americans, Africans, Jamaicans, Haitians would choose to come to America and live under white supremacy. Which is why i always laugh about Tariq Nasheed complaining about white supremacy considering he chooses to live under it because he makes good money and has a comfortable life because of capitalism aka (white supremacy).
If America fails, China fails, China's plan is to make sure America is able to continue importing what China exports.
It might not be that cut and dry, they could have long term plans.
China has more poverty then America so to us it makes no sense why they would let the US be in debt to them.
If America fails, China fails, China's plan is to make sure America is able to continue importing what China exports.
Non white people all over the globe go to white countries because in spite of oppression, there are ways to feed their families, Tariq doesn't choose to live under white supremacy, it's literally not optional, you either live under it or die.
It makes perfect sense, America is the NUMBER ONE IMPORTER of Chinese goods, if America fails, China is in big trouble, at this point the US could probably flat out tell China "we need a loan but there's no way we can pay you back" and still get approved.