I'm not half as fat as the hoe in ur heart babe!

You mad b/c people see u for what u are: a self-hating, thug-a-bee, c00n who hates blk women, worships white bytches in a failed attempt pay homage to that alt-right dykk u eating on the daily.
How many times have you bopped ur slow ass in a thread to a.) discourage any blk men from taking up for their own women like the sorry ass coward you are b.) patronize any blk person who didn't get shot out of the hood growing up out of a failed attempt to mimic blk male thug culture c.) cape for a white bytch and denigrate blk chicks even when people were solely critiquing ur lipless queens, d.) cape for other c00ns and just generally attempt to shyt on anything blk female.
You the prototype c00n. Wanna be deep, but u dumb. Wanna be a thug, but u ain't got no heart. Wanna be a man, but u a bytch. Wanna be white, but well you know how that goes. So you'll just have to settle for sukking white dikk, fukking his women in hopes of her whiteness rubbing off on you and taking out your resentment on your self-fashioned nemesis: da blk wimminz.
All while being wrapped up in a pseudo-Hoetep, faketriarch, smart/dumb bullshyt rhetoric.
I don't know what ur shucking and jiving ass gets out of these little exchanges but trust, all that wannabe hard shyt, lemme try her cuz she academic bullshyt ain't working out for you. I'm never gonna be the one. Don't let me see you slow boppin ur ass mentioning me again b/c u in ur feelings about a dap like a scorned bytch. FIX IT!

Edit: My bad babe I forgot...NEGGED!