so in America, where idiots think one drop makes them black, is this woman now black?
ahh an insult in response to a question that destroys your logic. good call.Please die.
so in America, where idiots think one drop makes them black, is this woman now black?
you call somebody what they want to be called, how you decide what they are is up to you personallyso in America, where idiots think one drop makes them black, is this woman now black?
It's clear her mother was mixed race. Who knows how that came about but it caused her shame...and in the 1921 when she was born, it's understandable that she had shame
Maybe her black mother was raped by a white man (since she was raised in a household where everyone was black)
Maybe her black father had a child out of wedlock
Maybe any other numerous situations that led to her being mixed race
I can't shame her because it was a completely different world back then. Black people getting lynched in the street was far MORE regular (I know it still happens now and then )
I do feel bad for her that she had to hide her true self. And her daughter using words like "confront" made me just at the whole story. If your mother had something that she held this close to her heart her whole life, who the fyck are you to "confront" her
so the one drop rule no longer applies? this rule is confusingUncle Homer kept it a buck.
Mom is a victim of her times or a sell out? This was the 1950s after all.
That woman is white.
cac alert, so you a) assume all African people are crusty and have boot lips? and b) assume I'm from Africa.Go back to Africa you boot lip b*stard. Coming here with such contempt for black Americans are history are pain are difficulties dumbass questions. fukk you and your country crusty feet havin b*stard...