White trash and fukkery: Sons of Anarchy Season 6 , Sept 10th


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Apr 30, 2012
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May 3, 2012
season recap please.....
where to begin.... :whew:

Jax started the season continuing to try to get the club our of the Irish gun business, and Tara was under pressure from the feds for the nurse getting shanked by Otto. After a bunch of ridiculous fukkery, the Sons had to kill Clay, the head of the Irish, and the head of the Asians in order to pass the gun trade off to Pope's successor...August Marks. This pissed of the Mayans, who started a war with the Niners over territory/guns which is about to pop off next season.

meanwhile, Tara decided she was going to make a deal with the feds rather than go to jail for the sons. Again, after a bunch of ridiculous fukkery Jax ended up taking all the charges for her and the club (including a school shooting that tied back to irish guns funneled through the sons). When Gemma found out Tara was making deal she went rogue an murked Tara. Season ended with Jax holding a recently stabbed-to-death Tara, and the Feds walking in on it

Also, the mexican dude, Nero, that Gemma was fukking went into to business with the sons. He then proceeded to get fukked over by the sons left and right, and displayed a disturbing amount of simping in staying with Gemma through it all. Ultimately, Jax had some bytch killed that was close to Nero so now him and Jax are on the outs, and Nero is getting back involved with the upcoming gang war, on the side of the Mayans, who are also teaming up with Asians.

Unser simped Gemma all season

Wendy is back in the scene, ended the season in rehab and seemingly the next in line to raise Jax's kids.

I think thats most of it
May 1, 2012
where to begin.... :whew:

Jax started the season continuing to try to get the club our of the Irish gun business, and Tara was under pressure from the feds for the nurse getting shanked by Otto. After a bunch of ridiculous fukkery, the Sons had to kill Clay, the head of the Irish, and the head of the Asians in order to pass the gun trade off to Pope's successor...August Marks. This pissed of the Mayans, who started a war with the Niners over territory/guns which is about to pop off next season.

meanwhile, Tara decided she was going to make a deal with the feds rather than go to jail for the sons. Again, after a bunch of ridiculous fukkery Jax ended up taking all the charges for her and the club (including a school shooting that tied back to irish guns funneled through the sons). When Gemma found out Tara was making deal she went rogue an murked Tara. Season ended with Jax holding a recently stabbed-to-death Tara, and the Feds walking in on it

Also, the mexican dude, Nero, that Gemma was fukking went into to business with the sons. He then proceeded to get fukked over by the sons left and right, and displayed a disturbing amount of simping in staying with Gemma through it all. Ultimately, Jax had some bytch killed that was close to Nero so now him and Jax are on the outs, and Nero is getting back involved with the upcoming gang war, on the side of the Mayans, who are also teaming up with Asians.

Unser simped Gemma all season

Wendy is back in the scene, ended the season in rehab and seemingly the next in line to raise Jax's kids.

I think thats most of it


Dec 31, 1969
Sutter went wild after bad reviews last season...wonder what he'll have to say about this one :heh:

[Here's an obligatory spoiler alert if you decided to click on an article about the "Sons of Anarchy" finale and yet don't want to know a thing about it. I'm not going to bury the lede because it's really the only thing worth talking about. Most of this episode was extremely slow and incredibly boring.]

I'm not grieving because Tara is dead. I'm grieving because I stuck around to see this happen. Why did I choose to ignore the warning signs? They were all there: The pointless, crass use of a school shooting as a plot point in the season premiere; Clay's needlessly drawn out march toward death; that obnoxious sequence where the prison guards forced Clay and Gemma to have sex in solitary; the nonsensical machinations of Tara's season long scheme to escape Charming or make Jax pay attention to her or really really really piss off Gemma -- or whatever the writers wanted us to believe she was trying to accomplish. This season wasn't just wild and crazy and unpredictable, it was top to bottom stupid.

This was the exclamation point.

You see, it's not enough that Tara had to die. (Did she? I'm not convinced. But, to make this easier, let's accept that she did and get to why it sucked.) She had to die in an amazingly idiotic way. The show clearly wants us to view her death and everything leading up to it as tragedy. Horrifying. Inevitable. Shakespearean! But it's impossible to see as anything other than the ultimate example of this show's forehead-slapping stupidity.

The writers have a habit of taking these little pawns they call characters and twisting them into unrecognizable simpletons. But have they ever gone this far? People who we generally think of as intelligent or level-headed -- Unser, Roosevelt, even Jax -- were forced to abandon all rational thought for this scenario to play out.

How or why Unser even got a call that Jax was going to be arrested is baffling to begin with, but to 1) bring that information to Gemma and then speculate (however logically) that Tara must have turned on Jax, 2) make a halfhearted attempt at preventing Gemma from leaving the house and 3) giving up and walking away ... Is. Just. Absurd.

We've seen Unser portrayed as a sap before -- he was horrified when he discovered the specifics of Tara's plan this season -- and we know he has a blind spot for Gemma. But his instinctual refusal to let her drive demonstrates he has cause for concern. When Gemma takes his truck and disappears, does he call Tara? Let Jax know that Gemma is drunk, angry, terrified and on the loose? Nah, he just casually takes a trip to the ice cream shop and mentions someone really oughta tell Gemma what the hell is going on. (You know, before she goes and does something INSANE.)

Meanwhile, Patterson leaves Tara's safety in the responsible hands of Roosevelt. And clearly Tara's safety is not even Patterson's primary concern. Tara has already proven herself flighty and indecisive, especially when Jax is involved. There's always the possibility she could bolt again, even after Jax vows to turn himself in as a scapegoat for the school shooting in exchange for her freedom. It's not so hard to imagine, say, Jax and Tara put on a show for Patterson to give themselves time and space to run off together.

So, yeah, it totally makes sense that Roosevelt takes Tara to her house, sees a mysterious truck in the driveway (even if it's Unser's) and just says, "You go on ahead into the house by yourself where nothing bad can possibly happen and I'll wait out here!" (Or something like that, at a certain point I stopped transcribing actual dialogue and started cursing the gods.)

Oh! And who does Jax send to check on Gemma? Juice! The member of the club who he knows JUST BETRAYED HIM. And it's not like that's water under the bridge. Jax whispers menacingly into Juice's ear all "Godfather"-style: "You betrayed me! So, now go find my mother and make sure she's totally cool with this whole turning myself into the police and going to jail for a little under a decade (with good behavior) thing." (Most of that was probably my brain trying to justify what was going on, but I can't be sure.)

And that brings us to the exact circumstances of the death: Tara in hand to hand combat with Gemma! And Gemma wins!

Tara is tired. Tara is weak. But Tara hasn't given up. If anything her will to survive must be at an all-time high. And no matter how much mother's love Gemma has for Jax, and no matter what advantage she has with the element of surprise, the Gemma/Tara showdown is so sloppily and ridiculously staged that it is flat out impossible to believe Gemma maintains the upper hand the entire time. Of course, because this is "Sons of Anarchy," it's also graphic and disturbing and gross. But that's so expected at this point you just kind of roll your eyes, even when you can't quite believe what you're seeing. (Or understand how we're supposed to buy any of it happening at all.)

If there was anything that made sense in this entire mess of a storyline it was Gemma's motivation. The show certainly stacked the deck there. Not only is Gemma still reeling from Tara falsely accusing her of causing the miscarriage of her own (imaginary) grandchild, but she's also still messed up from recently watching her son shoot Clay in the head. If that's not enough, Nero just kicked her to the curb! Oh yeah, Gemma's in a bad place. We know how much family means to her as a certifiably insane mama bear. We know that she believes killing Tara might somehow end all of Jax's troubles with the law (ha!) or at least keep him safe temporarily. I'm sure she'd even own up to it, if Juice didn't make the snap judgment call to kill Roosevelt and help her cover the whole disaster up. (Made extra neat and tidy by Jax turning on Juice and Gemma -- the angel -- showing him nothing but support.)


Which, frankly, is fine. One less character I actually like means one less reason to watch next season. Not that I have any left, really, beyond Jimmy Smits and the potential ongoing arc for CCH Pounder.

Now that we've reached this point -- Gemma killing Tara, the mother of her grandchild, in cold blood and conspiring to cover it up -- it feels like the show is building to an inevitable showdown between Jax and his mother. At some point in the final season Jax will surely find out what Gemma did to Tara. And what Gemma did to John Teller. And what will Jax do?

I don't care.

I'm not interested in another season of overstuffed episodes full of characters who alternate between boring and stupid on the whim of the writers, punctuated by childish acts of violence inserted for shock value, convoluted gang wars, endless pontificating about what makes a good man, and musical montages.

Over on AMC's vastly superior "The Walking Dead," they've spent half a season posing the question of whether or not people can come back from the terrible things they've done. I think "Sons of Anarchy" has finally reached a point where it can't come back from the terrible things it's done. Gemma is irredeemable at this point -- she's worse than Walter White at his worst. Maybe that was always the plan, but I can't imagine wanting to watch her character ever again (and I've actually been a Gemma supporter most of these seasons, through the worst of it, because Katey Sagal can be so damn good). And I don't even want to know what sort of moral obstacle course the show will throw Jax's way now that he's lost his father, his best friend and his wife all because of the motorcycle club he just can't quit.

Very often in the comments section of negative TV recaps you'll find someone complaining, "If you hate the show so much, hater, why don't you stop watching?" It's a silly argument, but the answer for me with "Sons of Anarchy" was always that I hoped it would get better. That it would validate the time I spent with it, as it has in the past.

But to end this season in this way? I've gotta side with Nero. I'm done.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
Saw the shyt coming a mile away... It still legit pissed me off though :merchant:

Yeah, I felt it coming but still wasn't really prepared lol.

I like how this season ended. When shiit looks like its getting stale, just kill everybody.

I like how it threw everybody off. I think they've been reading this thread :heh:

Minimal fukkery and heavy on the dialogue for the whole episode and then go crazy at the end. Even though I was surprised by his death, Roosevelt had to go. He hasn't been threatening or useful since after his introductory season.

I actually enjoyed the hell out of this episode, though. The opening was gay as hell but Jax crying on the floor :to: and a lot of focusing on Happy. Moreso than usual which makes me wonder.

Also, I just wanna say that I know I'm not the only one that hates how his facial hair blends into his face.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
Also, based on the history of Alvarez, his shyt is gonna go south. How he got to President is beyond me. He's just gonna end up making a deal with someone who calls him a beaner and then get fukked over.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
But how does Tara's death affect the deal. I don't think Jax was going to confess until after they took him in and signed the deal.
Then it's even worse if he didn't sign the deal, it's means the Feds hit the club hard and they all go down, the Feds would send a team down of smart cops not like the charming police who destroy the club and wipe them out if he didn't take the deal.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Also Marks will get the blame, they will say he retaliated because his men got shot up in the junkyard . He will be under pressure next from the Mayans and the Chinese and this will give the sons away out of the mess. Marks will kill Tig and Happy and Jax will kill him in a broad day light gunfight , the sons get away with it and everything looks sweet in the ending montage but the gawd Zoebell returns and wipes the club of the map and has Wendy doing porn for the Arabs and he will raise Thomas and Abel to be skinheads.