Rap Guerilla
for a sick man, Unser gets into EVERYTHING at some point. He's around as a link to the JT days and he put in so much work (being as dirty as possible without being like Robocop) that SAMCRO sorta "owes" him, which is understandable. Or, it could just be that he's a better babysitter than the services that the hospital offers Tara.
but you'd think his pension (if he didnt lose it fukking around with SAMCRO) would afford him something more than that trailer, which conveniently survived the bombing at the clubhouse
I dunno why unser is so thirsty. he worked an entire career as the chief of police and only has that shytty trailer to show for it????
At the beginning of the series he had a house and was married. I think once he got divorced he got broke.