Since you and the truth hurts guy seem to have answers, what exactly should black people do?
Probably some damn st0rmfr0nt trolls going out their way to talk shyt.
In my humble opinion,
Blacks don't have a Racist Elitist Illuminati looking out for the interest of Blacks...
Black leaders are not asking "How are we ever going to make sure we are NEVER AGAIN going to be slaves?"
Since this is a Hip Hop site, let me give you an example, between Jay Z, Dr Dre and Puff Daddy there is a billion dollars, and yet, there still isn't a black own major recording and distribution company...
I honestly think Blacks don't have vision...A few individuals in the Black community will excel, but I don't think in this life time the world will look at Blacks as the innovators of the Human Race...
When Whites say Blacks haven't contributed shyt to Humanity, Blacks say "but but but what about Egypt"...That was millenniums ago...What are blacks doing today except trying to be just above middle class...?