Bro, stop reducing it down to race
those who voted for Romney, agreed with the:
- republican military philosophy the only issue both parties mostly agree on. Criticisms of Obama about foreign policy from republicans are that he's "weak" "un-American" "Muslim"(read: Black) and he goes around "shucking and jiving" with terrorists
- belief that Obama is the cause for the economic stagnation
what makes them ignore reality?
- belief that the federal government was the cause for all our problems
read above
- belief that the republican party represents 'hard working ppl and ppl that really want jobs'
because the democrats support minorities, and we all know they're lazy food stamp recipients
- belief that the democratic party creates a welfare state
read above
- belief that America was trending toward a demonic morality not of a Christian nature
they want their old(read: white segregated) America back
They may call it something new, or frame their argument different but at the end of the day it's just pure old school racism, with a new school twist. They can't call us ******s anymore. So they call us "different" "un-American" "urban" "entitled"