Dzali OG
Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
None of you are close to the truth. Reason being... are fully subscribed to the latest religion: science.
Can't help but giggle when I see comments mentioning "the scientific community", "peer reviewed", etc.
This game been going on for MILLIONS of years. Blacks were created by our god's and whites by there's. In our original forms. What we have now are watered down versions of the originals. We are the labor force on this planet...probably clones...made to serve and bow to the pure human originals. We live in an fish tank.
Certain groups in the government found this out and don't know how to break it to us. Though knowing our nature, they're trying to advance sufficiently to where we can bargain with our creators and argue our case for being respected. Because right now...we are farm raised fish. Having no idea we're on a controlled farm.
Most of you will scoff at this, your minds aren't ready or you have too much invested in "science education". But it's the truth. We are Finn from Star Wars. Only thing is, most of us don't know it. Clones...domesticated, farm raised humans.

Can't help but giggle when I see comments mentioning "the scientific community", "peer reviewed", etc.
This game been going on for MILLIONS of years. Blacks were created by our god's and whites by there's. In our original forms. What we have now are watered down versions of the originals. We are the labor force on this planet...probably clones...made to serve and bow to the pure human originals. We live in an fish tank.
Certain groups in the government found this out and don't know how to break it to us. Though knowing our nature, they're trying to advance sufficiently to where we can bargain with our creators and argue our case for being respected. Because right now...we are farm raised fish. Having no idea we're on a controlled farm.
Most of you will scoff at this, your minds aren't ready or you have too much invested in "science education". But it's the truth. We are Finn from Star Wars. Only thing is, most of us don't know it. Clones...domesticated, farm raised humans.