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He's clearly trolling, republicans overreacted (as usual) and have put themselves in a corner. Whoever he nominates, even Scalia's long lost twin they cant confirm, if they do it just reaffirms their bases suspicions of they being a bunch of weak kneed pansies who have been bullied by Obama and they will rally harder to Trump's side. If they don't they're are viewed as obstructionists and lose the independents. Either way it doesn't help them during a general election and Obama n nem have a whole year to whip this shyt into a frenzy. You on the other hand can rant and rave all you want but are still gonna vote for the democrat's nominee and if not your whole family will so its no loss to Obama and the democrats.
Its not even chess its just that Republicans in the age of Obama have become a reactionary party and anyone with a high school education can defeat them. Thats why they have Donald J Trump as their potential leader.
This is everyone's go to. Obama didn't mean it. Republicans won't bite. Man, the Republicans have made the Congress pure theatre, and have NEVER looked weak against Obama. Again, this is the greatest gift in political history, and nobody, especially the corporate media, is going to fault the GOP for taking it if offered. This shyt ain't chess, it's Obama seeing the Sander's poll numbers and really seeing a pathway for the presidency.
Bernie can likely have a change election that helps him get the Senate back at least and a good chunk of gains in the house. If this happens, and I've see A LOT of Republicans cross over for Bernie, he would be able to run it with the mandate Obama was given on a silver platter and used to pass Max Baucus' health care bill . Obama had an FDR mandate, and all we got was weakass Dodd-Frank and Romney's ACA. Bernie will wipe out Obama's whole legacy in 2 years, unless there are Supreme Court challenges to the legislation, like Obama had.
It may not work to stop Sanders, but Obama can go to his speaker circuit SUPER PAID, on selling out the Democratic base for the banks, anti-union agents, and Wall Street. Need to look up quantitative easing brahs.
We need some PSA'S on how Obama treats us...
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