I don't see why any BM gets so emotionally invested in any of this...in my opinion...I say don't "praise" them
ever, that way you have nothing to lose. Don't tell them how "pretty" they are, don't post thirsty comments by the millions in social media, and don't go on a rampage and swear that you "love chocolate"
because they don't care. In their minds
YOU ARE ALL self-hating abusers, Get it? They aren't looking to be praised by you, and your "praise" and "appreciation" mean squat in the bigger picture of it all ..leave it to the white guys to handle it since they know how to do it the right way. They would be lucky to get a thimble's worth of WM who have the slightest bit of interest in "appreciating" them.
Reading these protective responses to his twitter "
black bythces, and nikka hoes" by black women who openly defended it is clear and direct evidence of the
Don Imus Effect.
Some of you may not be old enough to remember, but a few years back Don Imus referred to the Rutgers majority black female basketball team as "
nappy headed hoes" in the company of other whites, and uninfluenced by black men or culture...when headlines created an open forum of discussion of how to rectify and understand why he said what he said, and how to change it....guess who was expected to answer up to it? That's right, you guessed it....

. It suddenly became a
public indictment of how Black Men allegedly have "always" talked about and treated Black Women, and BW agreed collectively with "mmmm's" and "
you go girls" when they spoke about it. It took the attention right off of the source of the problem....Don Imus. He played the card, and he played t well, because he knew it would work...
BTW, NO ONE cared that it was Black Men sending him death threats, protested in front of his job and eventually got him kicked off of the station. NOT ONE BW stood up and recognized that...not a single one.
This effect is pretty mainstream... here you have
hoards of BW and their sympathizers actually placing the blame of his comments squarely on the shoulders of BM. It never fails.