Man, after this f'd up episode, I'm going to start checking out the Root to vent. I'm now convinced that the media manipulation/conspiracy is real. Look at the shows and how we are portrayed. Maury - yeah, there may be one white trash trailor cac couple, but to that one, there are three AA, and the producers coaching them to act ratchet. Even that judge show with the sista Lauren Lake Paternity Court is meant to portray how black men are deadbeats. Add Scandal, etc with the promotion of IR, and gay black men only being shown in TV and after a while, and the constant barrage by the media of showing only negative images of black men - which is still a small percentage of us with the majority of us being straight- its brain washing by the cac media. Couple that with the unequal enforcement and bias of the law and the court system, unfair housing and benefits programs favoring single families lead by women, lack of job hiring due to discrimination, etc. its no wonder these "woke" HBCU women start to look outside.