IMO...the best advice I can give to us "conscious blacks" as ppl call to find other like minded black ppl to befriend and stop worrying about the sleeping black people...trying to wake them up isn't going to work, they'll never get it....just like , for example...u might play a 100 ppl a nas record...and only 10 might get it and the other 90 will just hear irrational words...same with this race game
some will get it, and some will not...but I think its unfair that we have to suffer and get stressed out thinking about ppl that share the same skin color but not the same mentality....IMO my advice is to enjoy your time on this earth and try to teach anybody willing to listen or learn from anybody willing to teach...
I know its frustrating but

everybody got their own train of thought...esp in america...were being an individual is pushed so heavily....ppl are all screwed up in general, esp black ppl suffered so much physiological damage, that some blacks arent never going to get it, sad to say, but some blacks (a good #) would report back to the plantation without a fight....mental illness is real
but this "bedwench" thing is pointless,...yall just going to stress yourselves out, fighting a fight u cant win...let them do them because plenty of like minded black women are out there...somewhere