Yep. Just saw this and worse comments this guy made on twitter.
im sick of black folks praising cacs
oh look a cac goes to a black church lets all priase de white man and sit him up front
a cac goes to a black university lets make him feel at home
a cac goes to africa lets make sure hes safe and not bothered oh mr white man
a cac says black women are beautiful lets deify him
a cac posts on a forum lets all stop te negativity of the white man not to upset him
a cac likes basketball lets listen to his viewpoints
a cac can dance and knows the history of black culture lets watch his video a billion times
So they say men aint shyt all the time...
Them bytches aint shyt...
Praise a white boy who is racist but a every other black man can say they love black beauty and these hoes could care less.. fukk them...
they may c00ns, but....
A black man has to be completely swagged out to pull a bytch who he is taking Pixs of and posting on Twitter. All a cac has to do is be a cac and don't look like a wigga and these hidden wenches be all over that.Dude finessing these hoesGotta step my finesse game up.....
Plot twist: the white boy is a racist who's already been exposed on twitter.A black man has to be completely swagged out to pull a bytch who he is taking Pixs of and posting on Twitter. All a cac has to do is be a cac and don't look like a wigga and these hidden wenches be all over that.
It's a shame that a bm has to be TWICE as better then the cac to even pull what the cac gets while it should be the opposite. I think the wolves need to expose his ass and get on these women pages and show what's up with him. See how they would like it. Or see how blatent they still defend him. Oh that's right, wolves only attack black men.
I agree with this whole post EXCEPT the part where u said it's sadBedwench gone bedwench.
A cac can call her the n-word, spit in her face, have KKK relatives threaten to kill her family and look like Jeffrey Dahmer and her p*ssy is still going to get wet.
As long as he's white she'll look past his hatred for Black people.
Those are the bedwenches that never left the plantation and will always put massa before a Black man.
shyts sad af.