Dude is a typical nosey cac but at the same time, there were a video where he confronted a dude selling drugs and openly showing his baggie. Part of me in cases like that, can't help but feel that part of the problem and why bad elements in the community are allowed to operate openly is a lack of open shame and community confrontation to drive them out and the problem gets worse. So, in that case with the drug dealer at least, I don't have a side. Stephon in this case should be driven out and not made comfortable to sell drugs in the street most likely to other black folks
But I hope he gets his block knocked off for all the other videos I saw and the ones you posted. If you're uncomfortable with littering, how about just being a decent human being and go up to the person and say something like "hey brother, would you mind picking that up? Just want to keep the neighborhood looking nice and we can all do our parts" instead of immediately trying to jump to shame the person on camera.