White Boyfriend Mad His EXPorn Girl fukked brehs

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Yep look at someone like Sarah Palin she is the 'archetypal' white woman and yet she was apparently heavy into black guys and fukked Glen Rice while engaged to her now-former husband.

Bet you, she never told him that. Although it was apparently well known Palin and her sisters were into the brothers. He had to know that at least.
Yes Julz will be another. Ann Coulter loves black men. 90% of white people marry white people. Yet we really think these white women never once had just one black guy in their life

We are their forbidden fruit for a reason. And if you ever dated one. You know mom and grandma was a lot more welcoming than dad and grandpa.


Dec 27, 2017
Very correct... I see the same thing with white girls I know was smashing whole crews, now they settled with a white guy... BUT

Look at the type of white men they usually get.. It's not the clean cut, safe, professional white men. They usually end up with a white boy like in the OP. And not drugs, but the PWT type of dudes, or wanna be down, or rugged types.. They never go all the way white like old girl from Malcolm X and that rich man.

Another thing is, the white men truly never forget. They end up, once again, like dude in OP. Nobody suddenly stops liking something one day. Maybe something turned you off to it. Maybe you fighting yourself to CHOOSE not to do it. But those feelings are still there. You still find us attractive. You STILL curious, or whatever you wanna call it. So like a fake "i'm gonna get with girls now" type of statement.... You'll be back... And the white men know it. So they act like this.. Cause it's burning them the fukk up inside

I think the dynamic is different for each individual...but I do know that high school isn’t the same as adulthood and one cannot judge relationships based on high school and even early college experience.

People are curious in highschool, they have no real responsibilities they are more willing to play contrarian. But most people are more conservative and level headed and think about long term relationship as they get older. You guys want to make this a white man thing but any man that finds his woman has mainly dated/messed men of other races will have a problem it may not manifest in the same way but it comes down to the same thing. Men like women are insecure and want to feel that you want them above all else.Yes there is a racial element to it due to the imposed racial hierarchy in our society.However, security is far more important to women in general in the long term, and more people are more settled into their wants as they get older. I don’t think that what you said applies to most of these women. I just think they have their fun/explore and then want to have their white family and white kids when it comes time to settle down. Also enjoying sex doesnt mean you actually want a relationship with said person. People compartmentalize. But male ego wants to believe that they are the best in all categories.
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The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I think the dynamic is different for each individual...but I do know that high school isn’t the same as adulthood and one cannot judge relationships based on high school and even early college experience.

People are curious in highschool, they have no real responsibilities they are more willing to play contrarian. But most people are more conservative and level headed and think about long term relationship as they get older. You guys want to make this a white man thing but any man that finds his woman has mainly dated/messed men of other races will have a problem it may not manifest in the same way but it comes down to the same thing. Men like women are insecure and want to feel that you want them above all else.Yes there is a racial element to it. Also security is far more important to woman in general in the long term, and more people are more settled into their wants as they get older. I don’t think that you said applies to most of these women. I just think they have their fun/explore and then want to have their white family and white kids when it comes time to settle down.
I agree with most of your point. I think curiosity is a bad word to use. They are attracted sexually. You don’t normally grow out of sexual/physical attraction. You may be curious about black culture. But that black man that makes your p*ssy tingle, you not about to just stop tingling cause you hit 25 now. That goes to my point about you suppressing it. Or as you say, thinking more deeply about the future. Taking more into account than just sex and fun. But the attraction is still there

And no it’s not just racial. But for 1. Black women don’t tend to have a “white boy” phase where they fukk every ok looking white boy they see.

But again. You’re right when you say any man would have an issue. Whether it was buff men and now you the skinny nikka. Thugs and now you the nerd. Spanish and now you the black guy. Whatever she had her fun with, if it’s not like you, you gonna wonder if the attraction is still there

Problem is..... white girls usually have a black guy phase. And then white men get hung up about it


Dec 27, 2017
I agree with most of your point. I think curiosity is a bad word to use. They are attracted sexually. You don’t normally grow out of sexual/physical attraction. You may be curious about black culture. But that black man that makes your p*ssy tingle, you not about to just stop tingling cause you hit 25 now. That goes to my point about you suppressing it. Or as you say, thinking more deeply about the future. Taking more into account than just sex and fun. But the attraction is still there

And no it’s not just racial. But for 1. Black women don’t tend to have a “white boy” phase where they fukk every ok looking white boy they see.

But again. You’re right when you say any man would have an issue. Whether it was buff men and now you the skinny nikka. Thugs and now you the nerd. Spanish and now you the black guy. Whatever she had her fun with, if it’s not like you, you gonna wonder if the attraction is still there

Problem is..... white girls usually have a black guy phase. And then white men get hung up about it

White girls are more apt to have a black guy phase because of historically racial polarized attitudes between whites and black relationship in particular in respect to white women being virtuous/virginal/innocent contrasted by being “defiled”by a BM narrative. People often build far more attraction and curiosity by being denied then they would otherwise.

BW do not have a white guy phase in the same way because historically are racial dynamics with white men have been different are access and power dynamics are the inverse of white girls.

The WWBM sexual dynamic would have never been a thing if the WW damsel in distress narrative had never been constructed in the first place and immortalized through media. The whole porn wwbm industry plays on this and depends on this forbidden fruit factor. In fact, the more ww and bm relationships become normalized and no longer a subject of interest, the more Interest of will die in seeing a white girl with a black guy because it will lose its shock value.

If you take away the forbidden fruit/limited access/presumption of innocence narrative constructed around white women what are you left you with that makes them so appealing. White women rely on this narrative to reel in men of colour. These white girls are aware of this and play it up to their benefit.
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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Yep look at someone like Sarah Palin she is the 'archetypal' white woman and yet she was apparently heavy into black guys and fukked Glen Rice while engaged to her now-former husband.

Bet you, she never told him that. Although it was apparently well known Palin and her sisters were into the brothers. He had to know that at least.
white supremacy don't change because the color of the penis changed.
Feb 5, 2016
So she fukked all those black guys, with big dikks but still went back to wm when it was all said and done. This happened with a lot of white girls I went to high school with. They fukked nothing but black guys for years. I could’ve sworn they would end up with a bm. All of them are married to wm now. :jbhmm:

It’s true that every ethnicity of men are intimidated by your dikks and sexuality. But I don’t know how true it is that wm don’t take their women back after they fukked y’all... I’ve seen too many cases where they do to believe that women are tainted after they fukk y’all. I believe a lot of ww fukk bm when they’re young out of curiosity. But end up with wm in the long run. And wm aren’t stupid. They know that their women smut it out in their younger years more than any other race of women, just like they know that their women want or have been fukked by bm. But they DO take them back in the long run, and a lot of ww return to their men too in the long run.

u be on point with these observations carmel.

u said this about white chicks a while ago


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Yep look at someone like Sarah Palin she is the 'archetypal' white woman and yet she was apparently heavy into black guys and fukked Glen Rice while engaged to her now-former husband.

Bet you, she never told him that. Although it was apparently well known Palin and her sisters were into the brothers. He had to know that at least.

There were a lot of brehs in Alaska? I didn’t know Sarah Palin got down like that, but I do remember hearing Bristol fukked a couple of bm.

I mean it’s not surprising. My brother used to fukk a bunch of white hoes too. Ended up with a bw. Both groups fukk each other, but end up with their own the majority of time. For ww and certain bm it seems to be a phase they go through from high school through the college years.

Wm fukk with different races too on the low(or try to), and settle down with their own. White people in general tend to fetishize nonwhites. When I used to live in Chicago, I used to get approached by the Abercrombie model types when I would go to white bars with my white friends. It was easy to tell these men just wanted black p*ssy to see what it’s like. On the north side of Chicago, Arab men had a rep for fukking with bw too. And likewise there was an Arab dude in one of my classes that stayed trying to get with me. People just be wanting to taste the flavor of the rainbow, but most of it imo is about whatever fetish they have with blacks.


Apr 18, 2013
Ok so I'm guessing that there's fukkery afoot in there here thread with :eyeballmj:exposing themselves :popcorn: