White Boyfriend Mad His EXPorn Girl fukked brehs

Black Steph Curry

Lines are being drawn in the sand.
Jan 3, 2017
Huntsville, AL
1)You're guessing at that and ignoring that thinga change as realtionships go on. nikkas do stupid shyt for p*ssy everyday only to eventually hit a breaking point over some shyt that existed before the relationship even started.

2)Did this white boy go on a killing spree cause his bytch fukked a nikka or did I misa that part? Or did he lash out and soft curve her because he don't like that she fukks black men. Which is...LIKE I SAID, what the nikkas on this board talk about everyday.

3)nikka NO race of men like their women fukking other races of men. That shyt ain't exclusive to Black men and you can't make it so. It ain't about just history. It's about ego and the silent war every race of men have with each other. Even if we didn't have the fukked up history we have with whites nikkas would still have an issue and you fukking know it.
As far as tha underlined goes you can play obtuse and compartmentalize all you want to but tha shyt I'm speaking on is very relevant, it's all tha same. Put shyt in perspective, what is a few wench jokes on tha coli compared to what cacs will do concerning their women and us? Like i said before it goes back to ego, setting up tha 'hotep coli incel' strawman to knock down to put on tha impression of being above it all. As if black people who feel some type of way about black women dating out are lame and and on tha edge of unbounded radicalism for doing so. Which brings me to my next point.

If you can acknowledge tha bolded what tha hell are you trippin for? Men don't like when other men from different groups fukk with their women, welcome to tha human condition. Tha fact tht most of us don't care if our women date out, or tha fact that there's an expectation for us to not care says alot about our mentality and it ain't good, especially given tha precarious situation we're in as a people; adopting tht mentality would stand to benefit us tha most. So tha fact that you're making it seem as if coli nikkas calling out when bw date out or make jokes is fringe behavior comes off as dishonest. Again, I believe it all just comes down to good old fashioned ego stroking.

If you get nothing else from my response i just have to tldr points to make.

1. Sexual frustration and black militancy, while there is overlap, isn't as connected as you make it out to be, even when tha coli is concerned, and i think you knew that already.

2. It ain't always cool to not give a fukk.


Dec 25, 2014
How do Persian chicks compare to Arab girls? My current shorty is Arab. Do I need to see what that persian thang is like?:lupe:

If you get around some definitely try. As for comparison its a crapshoot with any woman as to what that snapper is like.

From my own experience, that thang is good. They are mostly energetic though. I was expecting pillow princesses.


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
How do Persian chicks compare to Arab girls? My current shorty is Arab. Do I need to see what that persian thang is like?:lupe:
If you’ve got a good woman... cherish and respect her. Don’t step out on her and ruin your trust.

But seriously, if you want some side p*ssy, it’s hard with Persian women. They want to be wife’d, and are not content with being side chicks. They’ll want to know your friends, family etc. It’s very rare you’ll get the odd one content with being a jump off.