"Fargo" is better than "True Detective" IMO. Here's a few random thoughts....
1. There isn't a single stand out performance like Mcconaughey in "Fargo", but "TD" was basically a 2 man show, whereas "Fargo" focuses on a lot of characters and story arcs. So over all I'd say "Fargo" has better acting, but no single performance on the level of Rust Cohle. Billy Bob Thornton as Lorne Malvo is a GOAT level character though.
2. The 6 minute tracking shot in "TD". There isn't anything like that in "Fargo", but over all I'd put the cinematography in it above "TD". If you like nicely shot, concise cinematography, "TD" is for you. If you like showy cinematography ala "Breaking Bad", you'll prefer "Fargo".
3. "TD" is more a "enjoy the journey" type show, "Fargo" is a complete story that doesn't really leave any loose ends at all. "TD" isn't "Lost" or anything, but they leave quite a few pieces of the puzzle missing, to focus on character development.
4. "Hannibal" is the wild card here, because I can't put season 1 alongside "TD" or "Fargo", so that might scare people off from watching it. But season 2, and especially the finale, is easily on the level of either of those shows. And the season 2 finale of "Hannibal" is my #1 episode of TV for 2014 so far, #2 is episode 6 of "Fargo", and #3 is episode 4 of "TD".