Excuse me, I know I'm late for this thread and I didn't even read it all, but why did you tag me? Did you tag me just to tag me or am I supposed to weigh in on this somehow? Or maybe you just thought it was important that I see this thread since I have pale skin and still admit that I have a black grandmother?
Look, quote my picture all you want, but let me just say that my grandmother doesn't consider her lineage corrupted by me. I am not a taint on her legacy in any way, shape or form. If having a black lineage is important to you, then marry black. But please don't quote my picture to insinuate that children like me are something their older relatives are going to end up being ashamed of. Maybe you think that and if you think that, you marry black and ensure you have the children you want to have. But my grandma loves both me and black cousins. My family is happy the way we are.