Psalm 149:5-9
As a Biracial, unless you marry and procreate with other Biracials, you going out of you way to claim both (which is fine) won't matter when you marry a "full" Cac or Black man because your child won't be Biracial. Race is cultural. There isn't a mullato culture with it's own historical, social narrative. Your actions speak MUCH louder in how you view and align yourself. Tamera is a white woman. Tia is a Black woman. They are genetically of admixture but no one in society gives a fukk
Blacks procreate with Blacks in large part
Whites with Whites
Asians with Asians
so on and on
Biracials won't do this and will have to always to decide on which side they want to be seen as. You mutts don't have a culture to coalesce around and unite to encourage inbreeding your muttness.

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