Which one of yall clowns is dating this Dominic00n Arianne Martell?


Barely-Known Member
May 17, 2015
the 254


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Give an example
Of a country that has done what you proposed.

There are over 1 million UNDOCUMENTED Haitians in DR
How is DR suppose to provide help for their poor and keep up with infrastructure when Haitians keep
Flooding to DR?

And about the U.S. See "dreamers"

They US deported thousands of Haitians where was the outcry?

Again people get deported everyday b!

Haitians get your papers or FIGHT for your country stop having the world feeling bad for you and grow so GOTDAMN ballz

How the fukk you are part of a Black Country and not try to make it better???

Focus your energy demanding answers from your government instead of wasting your energy in DR.

With all that aid money after the earthquake +Haitians are skilled in building you would thing port-au-prince would be a fukking metropolis by now...
But no they prefer to be in a country that is not theirs..smh!! What kind logic is that?

so if what you saying are true.,,,other foreigners would have the same problem as Haitians right?

why other foreigners when their child is born in DR they go to THEIR EMBASSY to get a birth certificate.

Why don't you demand the Haitian government to provide these basic administration?

and you went back to US to the comfort of your home and surroundings...you didnt have to help them for centuries like DR has...we have over extended ourselves

besides the countess help that my country has provided over the centuries....

When I go on holiday in august, I am going to hire a couple of Haitians to clean my yard, massage my feet and walk my dog. :myman:

I sleep well at night:yeshrug:and I'm giving them way more what their shytty government provide for them

You still talking shyt and not do a damn thing about your country. pLEASE take over and let DR have some rest from taking care of your people

when you gonna get off the coli and be about action???

that crying avatar is not enough

yeah right! if you were doing that and had any pride at all...you wouldn't be in here talking shyt. you wouldn't care about my opinions...and based on your comments you are very misinformed. but keep spreading your propaganda...DR and Haiti will never become one country tho
