This is low key a silly question, because it's No Man's Sky, and it's not even close enough to be on the same Wikipedia page, let alone in the same conversation.
Cyberpunk, while obviously oversold by the developer, still had a lot of the base elements it was supposed to have. And if we're being completely honest, a good portion of the recent resurgence of the game is people being interested because of Edgerunners. A lot of those folks weren't even there for the shytty launch, or most of the patches that actually brought the game to its current state. The Next Gen version/patch that did a lot of the heavy lifting came out months before that, and really didn't move the needle like that.
No Man's Sky, though? shyt was barely what they sold it as in the very first trailer for the game, let alone the various gameplay reels and interviews. There was just.......nothing. I still remember people being angry as shyt that the reward for making it to the center of the universe was just interacting with more nothing. And it was before the days of putting out some half-baked shyt and shutting people up with a roadmap, so them just putting the game out and disappearing was fukking CRAZY. But they've been pumping out updates that all significantly change and update the game for free for six years. Absolutely insane.
Considering that CDPR is cutting bait on the game and the engine or was built in as a whole after the expansion comes out, Cyberpunk really can't be compared to No Man's Sky.