This is why I get pissed off when I see BOTH MEN AND WOMEN in these relationships before someone says "what about men". This has actually happened often with African women and cacs. There was a case years back where a cac murdered a Nigerian woman who was a prostitute in Italy. Some women need to stop looking at these cacs as a damn prize and stop putting them on a pedestal.
TRAVEL - In photos: Istanbul’s African sex workers
They were just 30 meters away from me. But it took me three months to cover that distance to photograph their lives. At first, I was only observing the street, looking for a door that may open to their closed, troubled worlds. Sometimes I just wandered in the street. Because –
after everything they experienced here – they had learned something: Never trust a white man.
^I don't know if they actually said that or the writer was assuming it but I hope some of them really did say that. Its a shame that is what it takes for them to "never trust a white man" when they should have always had that mindset. This is what it takes?