This chick.

Already seen her out, at a party back in the day. She was moving around like any other drunk thot in the club. A ngga could catch it. She wasn't moving like a boujee female at all, meaning you wouldn't be intimidated to jump down.
Also been out wit this broad (pre-fame) to a club. Her homegirl was my homie cousin.
Whole crew of baddies...
But nonetheless, attainable and regular around the way baddies, no different than any of these other females, once they get some weed, and a few drinks in em. You could sell em a dream if your G is right, you know how to carry yourself (dress game included).
You do yourself a disservice by putting some of these females on a pedestal. They were regular, everyday ppl at some point themselves. Most of all
they're women.
Some ngga could get to them, sell em a dream, or cap their head quick. The issue is not having the opportunity to move in the circles they're in. Retaining them would be the real task too, since they're surrounded, and pursued by brehs wit
massive bags. Just to knock it down tho...sheeeittt