Quincy Jones
Considering that interview he did earlier in the year, that'd be a heluva biopic.
Quincy Jones
I think Don Cheadle could kill that roll. He got one of them faces easy to play Marvin from his 20's to his 40'sMarvin Gaye played by Childish Gamibino or Cadillac from the Get Down
rep and yes!A Dipset movie.
yes! I heard a lot of stories about her, there needs to be a compilation. she was trying to free everybody and show them a new way of life- but people resisted, snitched on her all while having physical ailments too.. she perseveredHarriet Tubman was like a real life James Bond. Her movie would be interesting.
I also want to see a flick about life during the Harlem Renaissance with everyone of note during that period showing up.
A man don't play another man in HarlemDame Dash