You do not need to see War of The Worlds, Spielberg tried to capture Orson Wells terror without emphasizing special effects. the movie is a misfire.
It is like you watching a movie.
Yet it is like.
it is nOt even on.
One of the worst redone endings ever. As well as movies that have no effect ever.
Hearing war of the world's rhe original is better than the Tim cruise movie.
During that time. It is a number of rebooted old sci fi movies.
that are Modern remade trash.
Rhere was a keanu reeves movie with a space robot reboot. I remember being just as traah as war of the worlds.
maybe war of the worlds is bettee over time. Yet i remember that movie being so uneventful. At times it felt.
like I never watched it. While I was watching it.
Art Barr