good. Enjoying this journey and watching my son grow.Great vibes as always! how's everything going Frank?
going good, trying not to let the old man in. Good thing for me is my son brought be back into the space i love. Been spending the last couple years while he has been signed, growing him the best way I know how. We started an LLC, got his publishing set up, learning how to clear songs and keep tabs on royalty payments. and ive shown him how to grow with a limited budget. We have done this all grass roots, signed to a label but not asking for anything. Its been tough, but I can see how its paid off for him.Great vibes as always! how's everything going Frank?
His writing and rapping is what has really taken be and others by surprise. Many people recommended to him that he learn to write and i guess he really took that advice. He's come up with a good vocal sound from experimenting that he thinks sets him apart which is important. Not one style though, many and i think that is pretty dope.
His deal is up middle of next year and its all about building leverage. I really am scared about what lies ahead to be honest because its new and uncomfortable. We are building something together as father and son and soon enough he will be ready to fly on his own if thats what he wants to do.
Hope all is well with you!