DNA evidence isn't concrete first of all. Especially with something mysterious as Egyptians. And I didn't say I won't accept, I wrote I don't put STOCK into it. Do you know what this term means? Lets go by to definitions AGAIN:
"If you put stock in something that someone says or does, you have a high
opinion of it:He's been
wrong before, so I don't put much stock in what he says any more."
Again, you see what you want, and twist words. This is the exact quote from that post you are referring to:
"Why would I put my stock in DNA if it goes against common sense? To me it seems they have an agenda. If it goes against common sense, and what has been proven that could be done, only a fool would put stock into DNA. You know how many people are in your DNA alone? DNA is only good for recent people, and to give a clue who may be your ancestors, but it can't go in depth, so why would you put all of your stock into it? They can't test the millions of people who lived AE, just a few, and then compare that to people now. That is not something I would put a lot of stock in, so I use my common sense, and connect the dots."
Now, I see why you don't want to hear shyt, RACISM. Nobody is saying anything racistcs or calling all information racists. This is the true reason why you don't want to deal with this. You don't like the people who present it(black power people) so you want to have us forget about Egypt. I knew this I just was waiting for you to admit it. You are not playing with a dumb person. Everything I do is calculated. Thank you for proving me right!
And they do deal with other African kingdoms, in fact
@Poitier made a thread on it. People in the black power movement have been doing this since the 70's,. You know tghis because that is how we know about certian tribes there. School didnt teach us, but you just don't remember that, right? You're just tired of those racists blacks talking about Egypt, right?
And you wonder why research isn't done on NOK, its called having money, and being funded. But again, you don't notice that right? Black people just want to deal with Egypt. Yall are funny, you want to tell us for hundreds of years, a civilization great as AE was considered white, the movies, and history books white washed it, even in this era they do it. Egypt even influenced the way this country does things, to the simple things like being on the currency we use, BUT you want us to forget about it, and focus on other African kingdoms. If that doesn't spell out AGENDA, I don't know what does.