Brian O'Conner
All Star
Just finished watching 310 to yuma
he played such a masterful role as that villain, I think I'm going to have too see it again to appreciate it.
Which got me thinking there is something about Russell that can carry a movie. He's not as intense as deniro, over the top as pacino but there is something about him that his name should be in the discussion I think, plus he has an oscar too. He's held his own against goat's like Denzel and Leo
I haven't seen all of his movies but I really enjoyed body of lies, insider, Robin hood. La confidential was a classic performance, he arguably stole scenes/movie in man of Steel and I recently saw father's and daughters too
Never saw Cinderella man or beautiful mind but heard good things
Idk brehs but I'm ready to put him in my top 10 just off 310 to yuma and of course maybe the goat film of all time gladiator
Just found out he's playing Dr jekyll,Mr hyde in the Tom Cruise mummy remake too

Which got me thinking there is something about Russell that can carry a movie. He's not as intense as deniro, over the top as pacino but there is something about him that his name should be in the discussion I think, plus he has an oscar too. He's held his own against goat's like Denzel and Leo
I haven't seen all of his movies but I really enjoyed body of lies, insider, Robin hood. La confidential was a classic performance, he arguably stole scenes/movie in man of Steel and I recently saw father's and daughters too

Never saw Cinderella man or beautiful mind but heard good things
Idk brehs but I'm ready to put him in my top 10 just off 310 to yuma and of course maybe the goat film of all time gladiator

Just found out he's playing Dr jekyll,Mr hyde in the Tom Cruise mummy remake too