All Star
Never have I seen a squad of already shytty ass excuses for Z-list weed carrier level rappers get so thoroughly demolished as Queen Jaffe aka Pepto Bismol Papi aka Flabron aka that bird ass nikka Fleacan Sam aka the poster nikka for IBS (Irrelevant bytchnikka Syndrome) aka Camwrong aka leader of the Clitset/Dipshyts aka Oh Boy George aka c00nron, Jimmy Joyner-Kersee aka Usain Dolt aka Jim Jonesing-to-be-one-billionth-as-talented-as-Hov, & Mike Tyson’s Raggedy Ann rag doll aka Juelz Scamtana aka Juelz Shimtana aka the poster child for kidnap victims Stockholm Syndrome Santana were by the GOAT Hov
Jenny Jones, JueLz Santana and c00nron.
Starring special guests:
Smell Rell, J.R. "What happened got kidnapped AGAIN? " Writer, and A Snitch Named Freekey Zekey.