It's a lot easier to tell in person cuz all of the coincidences on how I found out the 'scoop' but NOLA is a small city so I'm not surprised I found out.
Anyways, she came down to NOLA for a prom (
New Orleans mom surprises son with celebrity prom date). I happen to vaguely know the mom who asked Parker to come be her son's prom date cuz the mom is cool with my cousin. Well by coincidence Parker was already in the DMs of another guy who lives in NOLA who me and my cousins are also cool with. Long story short, she used the prom offer from the mom to get a free trip and stay in NOLA and after she was done with the prom, went back to the hotel and smashed the other dude lol.
I actually ran into her at Jazzfest that next day. She was with the mom and her prom date. Prom date was all over her. I felt so bad for him lol