No, that is false. I am directly not affected by it, since I am in the Tri-Care. I was not turned away on any treatment before the ACA, and that goes for all active and retired military members. It also harmed medicare recipiants, since money from Medicare was taken to finance the ACA.
"In order to balance the budget, $716 billion was taken out of Medicare to finance the ACA. This action will decrease reimbursement to physicians and hospitals for Medicare services. The end result will be decreased access to care for Medicare patients especially at the primary care level."
So I wonder how much reading did you actually do, or did you just accept what you were told?
TriCare still has to meet standards set by the ACA!
And if u been had TC , which at the time may have been better by other underwritten private plans, then you shouldn't have been turned away anyway. That's how insurance SHOULD work.
Also. I work in healthcare. At the time I worked for a Medicare contractor so I'm very versed on the changes. It's not perfect by any means. But people that struggled to get a private plan with actual benefits or had a shytty employer based plan, know how the Aca helped them.
Crazy thing is, the concept of the aca is a conservative plan. It's no where near single payor / universal coverage. That's the main reason y repubs can't figure out how to replace it. There's only so many options , and historically, forcing us to buy hc insurance like car insurance was their plan! That's also y dems continue to fight for true hc for all.