Disgusting. Not the series, that's AMAZING, acting, directing, emotions, everything...
But the way these young men were treated. This is an indictment on the judicial system as a whole. Yeah, I'm sure things MAY have gotten SLIGHTLY better now that we have cameras everywhere and can hold them just a hair more accountable. But damn, these cats were done from the moment they all were picked up. Yeah, most of them had good support systems but back then, they didn't have the slightest clue as to what to do for them. All they wanted was to get their kids home, so they gave up a lot just to make that happen. Parents signing forms they had no idea of, kids stressed and in questioning for 18+ hours, it was all apart of the plan.
Have them stressed, under heavy duress, mental and emotional...I got upset at the parents, Raymond and Trons dads'...but then I thought, what did they know? All they wanted was to bring their kids home so they made hasty decisions and suffered greatly with remorse and regret. Hell, Kevin sister felt like she didn't deserve fun or happiness. It was hard on not only the boys but their families and supports.
Disgusting how the legal system betrayed these boys. All because some precious white woman was attacked (which isn't good of course) they went looking for SOMEONE to pin it on. No excuse for what was going on in the park that night, but kids do MAJORLY DUMB things all the time. Just crazy how they realized the dots weren't connecting in their stories so they just MADE UP facts to connect them...problem is, when you build the foundation on lies, everything else has to be lies as well.
I openly cried on episode 3, so much emotions after their release and how they were viewed and had to live smh...I'm scared of number 4, because I KNOW Korey caught it the worst, and he wasn't even there!!! Cops got these boys to say and sign all kinds of ridiculousness.
I'm telling you, Karma will come to those who did this. Everyone involved who treated these young men like that, cops, brass, judicial system. There was a jury member who lives with regret 30+ years b/c she felt she KNEW she should'v fought harder for them. Yuseff and his mom pissed me off, but i understand the sentiment. Moms just wanted HER SON to be free. Korey was 1000% a real one and Yusief moms just dogged him out. Hard place to be in, I honestly don't know what I would've done as a parent. SMH I'm so upset and angry but want to finish this. Sorry for the long rant/post but I had to put this out there...God Bless those men and their families...