I don't get flu vaccines so I doubt I'll get this one either. The only thing that'll bring me to my knees to get it is if it becomes a requirement to travel to certain places.
It’s a good point, but this isn’t just an American effort, this is an effort by all developed countries to get a vaccine. My goal is not to be the Guinea pig for the vaccine, but once it’s a go, like has been tested and went through at least one round, I’m in. After seeing first hand how this thing spreads so quickly and efficiently and how Trump got America spit in half on wearing a mask, it’s hard to believe we’ll get out of this without a vaccine.But you will trust a vaccine that's going to be pushed out by the same administration that's killing us? Good luck breh.
Saying you'll take it without seeing study results is crazy to me.
Previous coronavirus vaccines attempts went to shyt for a reason.
Hell, even the current Oxford vaccine (a leading candidate) didn't prevent symptoms or transmission of COVID in animal models. And they still went ahead to the next phase.
I thought things were going well with the Oxford vaccine.
That’s what I think is going to happen. This vaccine is going to be a mandetory cocktail along with smallpox and polio.It's gonna be mandatory for work and schools. So it doesnt matter, you'll have to take it eventually. Unless you have some proof you aint got the Rona.