When Did It Become OK To Disrespect The President So Blatantly?


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Like Bush wasn't even more disrespected. :childplease: Muthaphucka had people calling him a cokehead, writing books with his quotes to show how stupid he was, and got a shoe thrown at him.

Stop it. :comeon:

Obama earns his disrespect b/c he acts like a bytch nikka.:pacspit:

PS I couldn't stand Bush, either, but to say Obama is more disrespected is

Your lame ass response has been refuted several times in this thread.

I take it you're either young (under 26) or white, too not see the obvious difference and racial undertones.

Bush's disrespect was some what deserved / earned. Bush deceitfully cheated his way into office, which pissed off many people off from the start. After this died down, Bush didn't face too much opposition. He actually received an overwhelming boost in approval when Towers came down (NY became soft ). Even when the housing market tanked and companies like Enron failed, morale was still pretty relatively high until the prolonged wars.

Behind the Numbers - Approval Highs and Lows

Bush had the highest approval rating the U.S. history

The most :obama: ever had was 69% and that was because too many "Americans" began to the brunt of a failing economy.....

Citizen eventually grew upset when the war turned over no weapons of mass destruction in, but an expensive contracting system was eating away at our federal budget (MIC :takethat: ).

Now compare this to Obama, who from day 1 faced opposition from "people" in midwest and southern states. Sure, people hated Bush, but their wasn't as blatant as crap like this:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YIq5Q15L1o"]McCain Supporter: "Obama is an Arab" - YouTube[/ame]

Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube

Even when :obama: got "Bin Laden" many rethugs didn't even what to acknowledge that. You're co-signing a bunch of illogical idiots who still think :obama: was born in Kenya, despite dropping his birth certificate and
and birthday appearing in a Hawaii newspaper. These same idiots would still try to discredit :obama:'s birth even if he was born in the Aloha Stadium during the Pro Bowl. :smh:

Not to mention the reason why :obama: can't get anything done in this country is due to non bipartisan. Which was the "change" he was trying to campaign on.


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May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
he the majority in the senate and the house

his 1st 2years

why didnt he enact this immigration shyt when he COULD HAVE.. without an EXECUTIVE ORDER..

could it be that hes pandering for the latino vote? why he do this 5 months before the election?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Like Bush wasn't even more disrespected. :childplease: Muthaphucka had people calling him a cokehead, writing books with his quotes to show how stupid he was, and got a shoe thrown at him.

Stop it. :comeon:

Obama earns his disrespect b/c he acts like a bytch nikka.:pacspit:

PS I couldn't stand Bush, either, but to say Obama is more disrespected is :heh:

George Trill? Calling Obama a bytch nikka?

This has to be TheMechanic a.k.a. TheTaxman a.k.a. King Jong-Trill a.k.a. Gullai Lama a.k.a. Burrgood Marshall a.k.a. etc., etc.
May 1, 2012
The difference between what Bush faced and what Obama has faced is that the attacks on Obama happened right from the beginning of his presidency before he had even done anything. Just for example look at the NRA types, before Obama got into the presidency it was all "hes gonna take our guns away!" but in 4 years Obama hasn't pushed or enacted any legislation that would be restrictive on gun rights and yet we continue to hear the same paranoia this election year(gun shop owners are eating well,lol). Its like there is basically nothing he could do to appease these people. While Bush had a good approval rating amongst liberals until the early signs that the Iraq war would be a disaster.

Part of the resistance is race but its also the natural result of dog whistle politics the Conservative leadership has used for decades. It started with the Birchers and has metastasized into some thing that cant be controlled.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
I dont even know where to begin
How was bush a "proven fool"? Just because he was inarticulate?
Has our education system really reached a point where years of inarticulateness is not a sign of stupidity?
Bush as texas governor:

An Eloquent George Bush? - YouTube

He doesn't seem so foolish to me. the Problem with bush was Age. He aged quite poorly at least mentally.

Obama seems quite foolish and inarticulate without a teleprompter, and he made as many, if not more, gaffs than bush.
In hindsight, this sentence is funny because you and those youtubers in that Bush vid you posted paint a picture of the "Everyday man Bush". The average person cant give a speech in front of thousands without reading off a script. Wtf you talking about breh:childplease:
Quote mining was not, is not, will not ever be a illegitimate form rhetoric.
and when it all comes down to it, Bush sold himself as a Neoconservative and an "everyday" American southerner, and really that's the policy that we got. There were no surprises. Nobody thought of him as a super intellectual. He was a supposed "regular guy" that had the same beliefs as many Americans.
He sold himself as a "everyday man" who happens to be a member of one of the most powerful families in the Nation. Again, I find this hilarious in hindsight because you attack Obama for baiting and switching. As I and others have mentioned, blatant public disrespect for Obama, by members of the press and government, started before the man was ever in a position of power to fukk shyt up. America was :manny:as Bush went no Vaseline until around 2007, the bulk of his allowed years in office. For a time ppl gave him the benefit of the doubt with "he kept us safe":rudy: Meanwhile Obama actually keep us safe, ended one of Bush's wars, and deaded the White boogeyman. And cacs still :upsetfavre: with Obama.

Obama's public disrespect in his first year is equivalent to Bush's last three years.

This isnt about policies, personalities or popularity. No Stanley, Obama is first and foremost a politician

I understand American politics have become more polarization in past years, post new media, particularly when it comes to the Presidency; it explains a lot of the anti-Obama sentiment. Until we have another President to compare Obama to, Obama easily is the most disrespected President in American history.


May 6, 2012
First off, the guy that asked that question is an idiot and should have his White House press credentials revoked.

That being said, it is quite amusing how you left wingers are suddenly concerned about respecting the office of the president. Where was your concern for civility during the 8 years of Bush's presidency? The very same posters in this thread who are outraged about this Munro guy were laughing and cheering when the Iraqi journalist threw a shoe at President Bush.

The fact of the matter is that in these hyper partisan times, this is going to be par for the course going forward no matter who is president.


May 6, 2012
So basically the gist of this thread has gone from "Obama is treated way worse than any other president" to "well Bush was treated worse, but he totally deserved it'.

This is why people laugh at the stupidity of you left wingers.

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
George Trill? Calling Obama a bytch nikka?

This has to be TheMechanic a.k.a. TheTaxman a.k.a. King Jong-Trill a.k.a. Gullai Lama a.k.a. Burrgood Marshall a.k.a. etc., etc.

Luke, I'm not that fat bytch loving Mechanic. :laugh: I thought he came back under his original alias The Taxman.

Anyway, Obama pretty much had greatness handed to him based on the fact that he was viewed as the Messianic type figure. He won a Nobel Peace Prize that many people felt he didn't deserve b/c of this hype and the only real opposition he had were the right-wingers who were going to say slick shyt about him anyway. All Obama had to do was show some assertiveness as POTUS and for the first 3 years, he bytched out every time. Especially on the Skip Gates and the other incident with Shirley Sherrod from the NAACP, when his Administration called her up telling her to resign because they were shook of Glenn Beck!! Of all people. :childplease: Plus, he didn't even fight for the public option, which he was for. All this done for the purpose of pleasing white conservatives and not looking like a scary black man. This fool tried to compromise to his political enemies while they were publicly stating they weren't compromising ANYTHING to him. Dude's a clown. :lawd:


May 6, 2012
In alot of ways, no president has ever been as protected and coddled as Obama. Just look at the 2008 campaign and the way the American media abandoned all objectivity and cheerleaded everything he did while attacking his opponents. Even today, Obama is the first president in my lifetime that late night comedians refuse to tell jokes about.

For Obama stans to complain about his threatment is laughable.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
How was bush a "proven fool"? Just because he was inarticulate?

Bush as texas governor:

An Eloquent George Bush? - YouTube

He doesn't seem so foolish to me. the Problem with bush was Age. He aged quite poorly at least mentally.

Obama seems quite foolish and inarticulate without a teleprompter, and he made as many, if not more, gaffs than bush.

53 seconds that should end a presidency - YouTube

and when it all comes down to it, Bush sold himself as a Neoconservative and an "everyday" American southerner, and really that's the policy that we got. There were no surprises. Nobody thought of him as a super intellectual. He was a supposed "regular guy" that had the same beliefs as many Americans.

Obama was sold as a super-intellectual, Progressive, anti-war, and "world-citizen" canidate. Is that what we got? I'd say no. We got someone who was only as smart as his aides, and who wasn't very articulate unless it was obviously rehearsed. He was a "world-citizen" only if international policy was aligned with American interests. But when it came to war and meddling in the countries of others, Obama really stepped it up to something that only Cheney could dream of.

So, with bush, we got we voted for. With Obama, we really got sold a bill of goods, and I think it's one of the greatest bait-n-switches that I've ever seen in history--a near complete about-face. America voted against bush because of his international policy and the apparent crony-capitalism between the military and the related contractors. not only did these policies continue under Obama, but we saw a full-on acceleration of bush era international policy.

How anyone, black or white, can not feel duped or upset by Obama is beyond me. I think it just shows how extremely biased people can be, and how strongly influential that the assessment of "that guy is like me" can, whether assessor is a white southerner (bush) or a black intellectual, have on someone's politcal views.

Really breh, pulling the teleprompter card? It's like you guys didn't watch the debates. Obama can more than hold his own without a teleprompter.

the next guy

May 2, 2012
George Trill? Calling Obama a bytch nikka?

This has to be TheMechanic a.k.a. TheTaxman a.k.a. King Jong-Trill a.k.a. Gullai Lama a.k.a. Burrgood Marshall a.k.a. etc., etc.

You don't think Obama is soft? If Sarah Palin even attempted to shyt one me I would ruin her life...

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Luke, I'm not that fat bytch loving Mechanic. :laugh: I thought he came back under his original alias The Taxman.

Anyway, Obama pretty much had greatness handed to him based on the fact that he was viewed as the Messianic type figure. He won a Nobel Peace Prize that many people felt he didn't deserve b/c of this hype and the only real opposition he had were the right-wingers who were going to say slick shyt about him anyway. All Obama had to do was show some assertiveness as POTUS and for the first 3 years, he bytched out every time. Especially on the Skip Gates and the other incident with Shirley Sherrod from the NAACP, when his Administration called her up telling her to resign because they were shook of Glenn Beck!! Of all people. :childplease: Plus, he didn't even fight for the public option, which he was for. All this done for the purpose of pleasing white conservatives and not looking like a scary black man. This fool tried to compromise to his political enemies while they were publicly stating they weren't compromising ANYTHING to him. Dude's a clown. :lawd:

Okay, my bad. I assumed based on the combination of a screen name that is a portmanteau of a political figure and a hip-hop slang word and a remark about Obama being a bytch nikka you were him lol. Which sohh poster are you?