with friends like those....she didnt need the other girl to lump her up.
its funny if this woulda been 2 dudes shootin the fair one..nikkas in the back woulda been like "aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!1 OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! DDDDDDDDAMMMMMMMMMNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" "YOU GOT KNOCKED THE fukk OUT!!!!!!!!!! (40X) HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you would have had to turn the volume down to nearly off and the video would have been have been on that fukked up mode where you can barely get 2 people in the same shot, dudes finger woulda been on a portion of the bottom of the camera and it would have shot the lockers, floor like every 2-5 seconds you woulda seen like 4 punches the enitire video.
this was quiet and reserved like wimbledon.
shout out to those 'ladies'
