A year later he got Goldusts wife and shows the XXX files with him and her in hotel rooms way before val venis

A year later he got Goldusts wife and shows the XXX files with him and her in hotel rooms way before val venis
The Pillman XXX-Files were great.
"Dustin, it's 10 o'clock, do you know where your wife is?"
"While you were reading your daughter the Three Little Pigs, I was making your wife Squeal like a pig"
LMAO, Damn, I wish they still had some of them on youtube.
The fact they got away with this is stillto me.
i mean yeah they apologized for it cause USA made them but STILL, the fact Vince co-signed it and allowed it on live television is WILD.
The evil psychotic grin Pillman had when he was pointing the gun at Austin is an image i will NEVER forget. And the fact the feed cut right at that moment put the icing on the cake.
Just imagine if all you heard was a gunshot, feed cuts, and Raw ends...
Suburban Cincy but the graphic says Kentucky
HD ruined WWE
compare the Orton/HHH invasion to this and the Pillman one looks realer
at Orton's "wife" acting
Ahhh man
The wild part to me looking back on it was that it was a midcard storyline. WWE can’t even make their main event storylines half as compelling nowadays smh
I remember the episode when Farooq and Ahmed Johnson were calling each other Uncle Toms.