i don't think America can afford to continually subsidize its growing population of unproductive laggards.
maybe if we imported 10 million or so geniuses from East Asia and India to add balance, but i don't think most NAMs would be too happy with that. The progressives have continued the tradition of the White Man's burden and I don't think the East and South Asians fit into that narrative anymore.
I think the south will leave the union agian before America falls, and they will take the mid-west with them.
the coasts will end up like Brazil, indonesia, phillippines, or India. There will be HUGE economic inequality between races. Indians, East Asians, whites and jews will further distance themselves from the NAMs, but their population will shrink. Meso-Americans and blacks will be the majority and they will be totally dependent on the State. Rich and poor will be much more apparrent in future years and it will cripple economic growth.