83.83 WPM
83.83 WPM
You type with 2 fingers?This test is some bullshyt
You type with 2 fingers?
Edit: nvm, you on the phone
This. I literally dictate everything im typing with a voice program . I recall in the early 2000s everybody said our lives depended on getting a high typing speed for the future job market. But You would literally have to be a scribe or a secretary for it to matter today.I type ________ wpm
Me too, I'm around 35-4035 wpm. For whatever reason, I can't type faster than 35 wpm.
You did this on your phone??? I don't think it was intended for that.This test is some bullshyt
Who cares?
You trying to be a secretary or stenographer or something?
Use talk to type. I got 400 wpm.This test is some bullshyt