what's yall thoughts on these black history memes that's all over instagram now?


All Star
Jun 7, 2013
You know... interesting you brought up the Jews. I have been an the "infant" stage with this next argument. Let me know what yall think...

If you examine the plight of the Jews, the official scapegoats of modern civilization, you see something interest. A glue that bods them all together. Specifically, after the Holocaust, many interviews of those who survived, show the survivors to have a surprising sense of "guilt." As if, "Why did I survive?" type of humbleness. They never allowed themselves to be fully comfortable in any society, and stuck with themselves while playing the Chess game of culture and upwards societal movement.

After Slavery, there was a genesis of that same mentality, with the establishment of HBCU's and such. However, after the civil rights movement, we lacked that "guilt" factor. We didn't say to ourselves, "Wow, why wasn't I lynched? Why wasn't my church blown up? I need to maintain unity w/ my people as a way to give back." We got WAY to comfortable, while progression only grew slowly.

We need to start reflecting and saying to ourselves, Wow, people have died and my grand parents were the lucky ones, I could have not even existed if not for the sacrifice." We need to start feeling that guilt and humble nature.

And it ties into those memes... We are looking at those who sacrificed and trivializing them. We need to stop and advance.

i don't dive in too deep with conspiracies and the like, but if you look through history, those on top always kept the lower class distracted and/or docile from real issues through entertainment, religion, etc. a lot of blacks, take their 9-5, benefits, etc and see that as the culmination of past struggles when it really should've just been the beginning. a lot of people who escape persecution in other countries go elsewhere (namely the US) and either build or set up their kids to build - becoming doctors, lawyers, involved in real estate. it's not enough for them to take a job or some handouts and live off of that. that would be like a slap in the face after all the injustice they survived.


Sep 29, 2012
All those jokes come from actual reality "black culture" We glorify it here all the time.

Look in the mirror.


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
i don't dive in too deep with conspiracies and the like, but if you look through history, those on top always kept the lower class distracted and/or docile from real issues through entertainment, religion, etc. a lot of blacks, take their 9-5, benefits, etc and see that as the culmination of past struggles when it really should've just been the beginning. a lot of people who escape persecution in other countries go elsewhere (namely the US) and either build or set up their kids to build - becoming doctors, lawyers, involved in real estate. it's not enough for them to take a job or some handouts and live off of that. that would be like a slap in the face after all the injustice they survived.
Yes, I agree. We need to start doing what the Asians do... take advantage of certain resources in this country and build for our children to be Kings.

You'll have Asians working in a box shaped Chinese spot in the hood and their kids are becoming engineers and doctors.

A big cog in the wheel...

"Changing the definition of balling"

Our youth...and us to some extent, feel as if the indicator to success is physical objects, that depreciate right when you drive it off the lot or take it out of the store.

If our entertainers, the most influential group in our communities, like it or not, would start bragging about assets(like real property & businesses, stock options and portfolios), instead of a Maybach, the masses will listen, and it'll be the new cool.

Why do I think it would work? Think about "cooking crack". I have seen addicts shoot up when I was a kid waiting for the B25 bus w/ my mother on a Sunday, but I never cooked it. However, because it's been in the songs w/ the good beats and crazy word play... I know baking soda and cooking it are elements.

That nullifies that "these kids don't know shyt about stock options" point. Because if the top entertainers started making it the new "cool"...best believe with in months, they will know how to diversify a portfolio.
