What's with the large amount of bad/cynical players on here?


May 6, 2012
There's an alarming rate of casual gamers on here that seem to complain in almost every game thread about something in a game and often times when they're pressed they just create reductive arguments that all sound the same across any genre.

it's always "Eh the combat in this game sucks.. :francis:"

"What did you play it on?:patrice:"

":martin:uh.. it doesn't matter it's just boring. I played it on easy...""

".. Play it on hard or the hardest mode and come back and tell me.:beli:"

":what:Smh it's not hard it' s just tedious." *gives some armchair rundown of the gameplay flow as if that makes a difference.*

Like, if a game is so tedious and boring because it offers no challenge, why not up the difficulty? That then conveniently allows them to say the game is just boring. Lol gamers on The Coli/Online kill me.

Dudes playing TLOU on normal mode but complaining the game wasn't tense.

Dudes played GOW on easy/normal but complained there was no challenge and it was boring.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Tedious works because devs can't bank on gameplay most people don't understand. Testing patience isn't a difficulty hurdle, it's a free crutch since most gamers are impatient as fukk.

Xenoblade was probably one of the most complex battle systems of the year in RPGs. The initial entry to the game destroyed people. Game must suck.

Any fighting game. Players look at the special moves then cash out in two weeks.

People dropped arena shooters for twitch shooting, near instant time to kill gameplay.

Strategy games died in favor of MOBAs, a streamlined reduction of the micromanagement options provided and simplified scope in general. Because handling more than one hero unit was just too damned much for the average consumer.

I could go on:russell:

All of this dumbing down of gameplay over the past dozen years means that the few games that do trust the gamer to make more decisions outside of NOT going braindead allow the minority of people who can process even a bit more feel amazing.

shyt, Dragons Crown offered more as action game than God of War. Let's keep it 100 - Dragons Dogma, especially the end game, was more fulfilling than all three souls games. But versatile approaches to encounters is considered niche game design now.

Don't even get me started on loadouts and progression systems:scust:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
should the quality of a game change drastically depending on the difficulty level? :jbhmm:

there's definitely a lot of games where the 'hard' difficulty feels how the game was meant to be played. but I think dev's need to understand that most people are gonna play on 'normal' difficulty, and make sure to give those players a complete experience


All Star
Jan 8, 2015
should the quality of a game change drastically depending on the difficulty level? :jbhmm:

there's definitely a lot of games where the 'hard' difficulty feels how the game was meant to be played. but I think dev's need to understand that most people are gonna play on 'normal' difficulty, and make sure to give those players a complete experience


May 6, 2012
Tedious works because devs can't bank on gameplay most people don't understand. Testing patience isn't a difficulty hurdle, it's a free crutch since most gamers are impatient as fukk.

Xenoblade was probably one of the most complex battle systems of the year in RPGs. The initial entry to the game destroyed people. Game must suck.

Any fighting game. Players look at the special moves then cash out in two weeks.

People dropped arena shooters for twitch shooting, near instant time to kill gameplay.

Strategy games died in favor of MOBAs, a streamlined reduction of the micromanagement options provided and simplified scope in general. Because handling more than one hero unit was just too damned much for the average consumer.

I could go on:russell:

All of this dumbing down of gameplay over the past dozen years means that the few games that do trust the gamer to make more decisions outside of NOT going braindead allow the minority of people who can process even a bit more feel amazing.

shyt, Dragons Crown offered more as action game than God of War. Let's keep it 100 - Dragons Dogma, especially the end game, was more fulfilling than all three souls games. But versatile approaches to encounters is considered niche game design now.

Don't even get me started on loadouts and progression systems:scust:
thank you. I really dislike these shooters emphasising loadouts and attachments/perks. It's fine for one game but when established shooters go that route I just clock out *cough* Halo*cough*.


May 1, 2012
The lineage of gamers has been sullied with casual filth. Each day as developers continue to offer easy modes on epic games we have a generation of trash conditioned to basic experiences. These same clowns get forced out of their comfort zone suddenly gaming aint what it used to be. Suddenly, a challenge is no longer fun, because they can't do it. Suddenly they dont got time to be spending hours overcome their own limitations with analog sticks. Suddenly they gettin money and fukkin bad bytches. Nah money you just bad and suddenly get no bytches

It's Disgusting. If you casual? If you're a fukkin casual you just need to be thankful developers thought of your trash self when they made the game. Pat yourself on the back for being a sales generating force because outside of that?



F out my face with your boy scout trophies. :camby:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Its not fair to say these criticisms are wrong.

Ninja Gaiden 2 on 360 for example was hard as fukk. Even on normal. But you knew what you were getting into. Aint nobody was saying U aint shyt unless U beat it on master ninja. Aint nobody can beat that shyt on Master Ninja regardless, even Mentor was insane.

But that game wasnt hard because enemies had insane amounts of health, its cause they did all types of wild shyt

Imagine if Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on the highest difficulty it took 10 headshots to kill a guard. That would be lame. They did give guards more health, better accuracy and higher damage in higher difficulties sure, but they also added more objectives, more shyt to do to complete the mission. Those games incentivized playing higher difficulty levels. Modern games really dont do that.

Why is it OK to say MGSV 'bosses' were horrid because they were bullet sponges but its not OK to say the same about enemies in God of War on higher difficulty settings? Why is it OK to criticize Mass Effect Andromeda for throwing tedious waves and waves of enemies at you but not GOW? Thats some fan boy shyt.

It also has to do with expectation. Ninja Gaiden 2 was advertised as a hardcore action game with 0 emphasis on the story. Thats what you got. God of War was advertised as a grand epic fantasy journey and a tale of father and son. Thats what I expected, and yeah you got that. But the combat system is receiving mixed reviews for a reason. They toy with your expectations by making enemies do mad damage and have a ton of health. It felt like artificially lengthening the game to me rather than making it more enjoyable. For those that loved it thats fine. But to deny any criticism for the game is some lame shyt.

If im playing your game on easy its not because Im a casual scrub, its because IDGAF about your combat. As someone who is hardcore into fighting games, i know what real difficulty is. I dont need to get bait and switched by single player games, or feel slighted by gamers that wanna act like they are sick cause they can redo a pattern of an AI 500 times over because it has that much health.

I avoid the Dark Soul games because Im not interested in that combat style and pacing. Its more preference than anything. Ill play a bullethell vertical shooter, 2D side scrollers that are very difficult, etc.

Finally the idea that you gotta play on hard is some lame shyt too. If you LOVE the game, then sure play it again on harder difficulties. But if you dont love the game who cares what difficulty its on. Time is of the essence, im not gonna trudge through a game on a harder difficulty just to get ecred when i dont really give a shyt about the combat. Especially a story driven game. I love Yakuza for example, and i like the combat, but I just play the shyt on normal, what difference would it make if I played it on the hardest difficulty?
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PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
There's an alarming rate of casual gamers on here that seem to complain in almost every game thread about something in a game and often times when they're pressed they just create reductive arguments that all sound the same across any genre.

it's always "Eh the combat in this game sucks.. :francis:"

"What did you play it on?:patrice:"

":martin:uh.. it doesn't matter it's just boring. I played it on easy...""

".. Play it on hard or the hardest mode and come back and tell me.:beli:"

":what:Smh it's not hard it' s just tedious." *gives some armchair rundown of the gameplay flow as if that makes a difference.*

Like, if a game is so tedious and boring because it offers no challenge, why not up the difficulty? That then conveniently allows them to say the game is just boring. Lol gamers on The Coli/Online kill me.

Dudes playing TLOU on normal mode but complaining the game wasn't tense.

Dudes played GOW on easy/normal but complained there was no challenge and it was boring.
Take a closer look bruh, it's a Sony thing.
Microsoft is all about advanced ai, online multiplayer gaming. Sony is all about single player games. So by default what you're talking about is more of a Sony thing. Kamikaze loves Destiny 2 :mjlol: y'all think Fortnite is comparable to PUBG when one is hardcore realism while the other looks like it was made by rare during the n64 era.

Man up 3cepts :scust:
thank you. I really dislike these shooters emphasising loadouts and attachments/perks. It's fine for one game but when established shooters go that route I just clock out *cough* Halo*cough*.
You don't play halo, halo 5 is awesome and doesn't emphasize loadouts but at least you tried to lie keeping up with the mandatories and whatnot but sir. Which Sony shooter do you prefer and still play, uncharted, Killzone, Socom, mag, twisted metal, resistance, tlou?

You don't even like battlefield :picard:
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Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
I'd destroy a majority of this site in 2d fighters and I'll still play on the casual setting of single player games if I legit don't give a fukk about your combat. I played GOW all the difficulties except the hardest one and finished the game on give me a story or w/e because the combat bored me and playing on the higher ones just made enemies do more damage and take less. No variation in strat, waves, objectives...just sponges. I'm grown. Its too little time, too big of a backlog for the goofy shyt. This isn't something ike Shinobi on ps2 where it was meant to be hard regardless of whatever you do. You making some false difficulty by making it trial and error not fast twitch memorization or skill. I don't have time for the tedium Until you can go to your locals or out of state and place/win in tournies you could never tell me about game "difficulty" :mjlol: nikka you the casual, period. @Fatboi1 I can put up hours of proof of me bussing nikkas ass in several fighting games and winning tournies but I'm the casual because you want to trod through GOW on highest difficulty on some goofy shyt :mjpls: you need better receipts.