American society has been hyper anti-intellectual for years, but black people were able to seemingly compartmentalize that and remain sensible (i.e., sensible in a real-world practical context). In many ways, acting and facilitating as the legitimate moral fabric of this country. With the advent of the internet, the pernicious effects of collective anti-intellectualism have run amok in the black community. We’re no longer highly sensible, rational, and reasonable people en masse. Where people that lacked certain sensibilities used to be complete outliers—even ostracized—there are now a significant number of them amongst us.
Someone said it on here the other day, but this current generation is the weakest era of black people ever. I thought about it a few days, but I really can’t argue against it. I mean, if you think from 1865 until now—what group of black people does this current generation stand even with or above? It’s completely a sobering reality: huge surge in divestors on both sides, gender war, diaspora war, decorum war, significant uptick in “c00ns,” divisive rhetoric, anti-scientific and intellectual thought (e.g., Covid caused by 5G towers), inability to stay on seemingly any accord for any period of time, etc.
People even wear shirts now that say shyt like, “We’re not our ancestors.” You’re damn right we aren’t. Do you think we could boycott an impractical, unfair, unjust, and racially prejudiced policy for a year plus, now? That we could mobilize so that the people with cars would give people lifts where they need to be or go? Often, chaperoning people in one’s free time that were complete strangers? Do you think, we’d be willing to walk to work, home, and about for a year plus? Could we complete the most successful boycott in American history today with our current makeup of black people? Hell no! That’s just one example. I’m obviously referring to the Montgomery bus boycott.
Negroes would be running to social media and Youtube, “So, I’m black and I caught the bus today,” during the boycott. Yes, a lot of us are fukking goofy now, unfortunately. Beyond that, the number of goofy and non-sensical black people seems to increase exponentially daily. It’s sad.