I get a lot of compliments, and I don't take them for granted...
Madison Ave NYC coming out of a store, wearing Gisueppe Zanoitti shoes, some dude was like
damn bro killing it with the fashion (something like that), for me, who used to rock Converse, and who first went to NYC looking like a San Diegan with no fashion, that was a big moment
In South Beach 2023, I was walking solo down Ocean Walk, and this really well dressed couple from Valentine's Day, from Atlanta or something, this dude was like
"you fresh to death man" I was wearing some Valentino T Shirt, made me smile all crazy
on some less superficial shyt, this driver service that I use sometimes, the owner told me I was his favorite customer. He said really seriously, like a very serious Eastern European guy, not the one that makes us the most money, but the one that we like the most.
On a really serious one, years ago, my boy called me one time, and said you know I trust you more than anyone and was just like if anything happens to me, I need you to promise me you'll take my son to his games, and teach him how to be a man. said don't even say that, but yeah I got you. He said no, you need to promise me.