ohhh shyt that's wild. so it's safe to say a lot of people currently on pills will try dog food if the pill connect dries up?
That's why America is seeing such a huge increase in people doing street dope now. A lot of people were taking pain medicine prescribed by their doctor. They end up getting hooked on it, and it's not enough anymore... they end up doing their month's supply in a few days and have to either get more on the street, or move up to dope. That's why its affecting all sorts of people. With the current 'epidemic' of opioid abuse, a lot of doctors are either being pressured to prescribe less, or are straight up denying these medicines to their patients. It's sad to see that because of this, a lot of people who really need this medicine aren't able to get it. That's why shyt like Gabapentin is so popular now as well.