dudes send obscene messages on all the date sites.
Women on all date sites pay or free have combative profiles.
That are the result of obscene messaging.
So.what are you saying.
As a matter of fact on pay sites.
There are more, as the guys paying for sites react even more harshly after they get dissed.
All because they paid to get dissed.
So what are you saying.
you, are saying nuffin as usual.
As you typically answer based off traditionalism and heresay and not facts.
You know no facts about internet dating.
All because you do not do it.
Internet dating is not a share tips to find out how it is as an experience in general.
You are not going to be able to listen to your girls on how to get a relationship or interact online.
You are going to have to experience it for yourself.
As guys we share notch on our belt stories because we have to hunt.
Yet women when given the tools to hunt do not want to.
As you cling to traditionalism.
Which is not effective in this day and age any longer.
As this gen and era has gotten hip to the bullshyt of the past.
Pus the bullshyt dating ideals of the past are not even supported by law, anymore.
So now, to be successful to find a mate.
You have to engage in mating first.
Then possibly you will find monogamy.
Then later on you could find a monogamous lover with corporate aspirations to build a corporation or marriage with.
There is no more a man must provide for me.
While I give out coochie coupons every now and then.
Which he can only collect after he gets a number of vouchers.
That golddigger shyt is dead. That wack wife does not fukk me after we are married shyt is dead.
that spend it all on me because I am a girl shyt is dead.
Then I take half after giving zero shyt is dead.
Only people still doing that are getting preyed upon as simps.
Or women who are sexually repressed because they are choosing a mate based off of semantics that have nuffin to do with mating.
How you even categorically are thinking of internet dating will spell disaster for you in the long run monogamous relationship wise in the future as well.
As none of your dating/courting practices are relevant to creating a sound corporation to get married for.
Art Barr
Seriously Art Barr don't waste your keystrokes on me.