“Seize The Time,” by Bobby Seale (1970)
Seale’s book on the formation of the Black Panther Party, reissued in 1996, is a fascinating look at the inner workings of the organization and his relationship with Huey P. Newton, its controversial leader. This book also refutes many myths about the Panthers and, most of all, provides a look from an insider at one of African-American history’s most powerful and controversial organizations.
"Dreams of My Father," by Barack Obama (2004)
You may have heard of this guy, perhaps the most famous best-selling author to ever become president. But this book is not about politics or his presidential ambitions; it’s about a young man trying to connect with an absent father and find his way in life. As someone once said, he couldn’t have known he would ever run for president before writing this book. You’ve seen him make history; now read how the person who did was shaped in his formative years.